51: Wildest dreams

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Luciana's point of view

I feel his hand moving up and down my arm, his warm breath in my neck. I move to my side, placing my hand on his chest. I open my eyes and they immediately meet his.

'I love naps', he smirks and gives me a kiss on my head.

'Even if you wake up next to me?', I smile.

He covers me with the blanket, moving me closer to him. 'Especially if I wake up next to you'.

'What did you buy Maeve?', I ask him.

'I bought her a Louis Vuitton gift card, 500 euros I think', he plays with my hair.

'I got her a Gucci Matelassé shoulder bag with her initials on it, M H H'

'Nice! She would love that', he wraps his arm around my waist.


'What's wrong, Princess? ', he asks.

'I know I shouldn't worry and everything... I know I really shouldn't but what happened between us, it was great, but was does this mean for us?', I stutter.

'Luciana, it was an amazing moment between us two, if you regret it, please say so, I'm sorry if that's the case. But I like you, like you a lot, I have liked you since the first moment I laid eyes on you', he says, I turn around.

'I do not regret it, I swear. I like you too Charles, a lot, I just hope we can find out what this is, what this may become', I move my hand up and down his chest.

'Then let's do that, at our own pace, no one to interfere', he says.

'Alright, deal', I smile.

He moves his hand to my ass, squeezing it a little.

I move my hand through his hair.

'Wanna do something fun?', I smirk.

Maeve's point of view

'Thanks Horner! I appreciate the call', I say, holding the phone to my ear.

'Yes, yes I will keep it down, no drivers with hangovers', I smile, knowing that will be exactly the case.

'Okay! Bye, have a nice day', I hang up the phone.

I open Instagram and I see the story from the Redbull account.

I know who the admin is of course, so I send him a message, thanking him.

I know who the admin is of course, so I send him a message, thanking him

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I go back to mixing the brownie batter.

I grab a clean spoon and scoop a bit of batter.

'I saw that!', Max screams as soon as I put the spoon in my mouth.

'Mein Gott!! You scared me!!', I yell.

Max starts laughing and walks towards me.

'You have something there', he points to his chin.

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