25: He's my enemy.

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Maeve's point of view

'I'm on time, and I've got wine', Daniel opens the door.

'Vettel you are amazing', He hugs me.

'Yeah, well I know of course', my voice is trembling.

'Maeve? Is something wrong?', he asks.

'Just Max being a pain in my ass, it's fine really'.

'Look Max is just really insecure about his dad and all, don't get too angry about it. Please', Daniel says.

I nod. 'You're right, where do I put my coat?', I walk in.

'Give it to me please, Esteban is already seated, go take a seat', he accepts my coat and I walk into the living room.

'Hello everyone!', a lot of people are already seated.

'Maeve! Come sit next to me!', Ocon says.

I walk over to him, I'm sitting across from Lando.

'Maeve, how are you doing?', he asks.

'I'm great, how are you two?'.

We have a great talk for what feels like hours but is only 15 minutes.

'Hello everyone', I recognize that Dutch accent anywhere.

Max Verstappen.

I look at him and then look back at Ocon.

'So, I was thinking... maybe we could get together before the next race. How about... Tuesday?', I ask him.

'Yes, works for me', I smile while taking a sip of my wine.

'Maeve, have you talked to Horner yet about tomorrow's strategy?', Max asks me.

'Please Max, don't talk to me. First of all, we're not friends... second of all... we're off from work, and I'm not talking about work on a free day'.

He sighs and starts a conversation with Lewis Hamilton, across from him.

We are all eating, Daniel's girlfriend is an amazing cook.

'So, Norris. Tell us about your girlfriend', Daniel asks, I nearly choke on my wine.

'G-girlfriend?', Lando says.

I look over at Carlos, who is very invested in this story.

'I am not going to pretend we all don't know about the mystery girl you fucked like two weeks ago'.

Lando looks at me, then back at Daniel.

'I don't know what you're talking about', he says.

'Cut the bullshit', Charles laughs.

'I came in the room, she was on her knees and you were... well... you know', he laughs even harder.

Lando's face is turning red.

'You can't lie to us Lando, now tell us', Daniel says.

'I uhm... okay so yeah it was a girl but I'm not seeing her anymore', Lando says.

Dumbest thing to say every... now they wanna know-

'Who was it?', Carlos asks. 'Is she a good... you know?', he starts making these weird faces.

Oh god no.

'Because if she is, you are allowed to give her my number', he says.

'Carlos please don't say that', I laugh awkwardly.

'No she was uhm... yeah she was good I mean but I'd like to keep her you know?', Lando says.

'That good huh?', Esteban says.

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