44: What if it goes right?

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Maeve's point of view

'You and Max, interview, Nico is waiting for you', Horner taps me on the shoulder.

'Yes thank you', I spot Max and walk towards him.

'You good? Want to walk with me to Nico?', I give Max a pat on his back.

'Yes, let's go'

We walk towards Nico.

'Please welcome Max Verstappen and Maeve Vettel from Redbull', Nico announces.

I wave to the camera. 'Hello Nico, nice to meet you in person', I get handed a microphone.

'Yes, I agree, very nice'.

'So obviously you both didn't win today, are there any harsh feelings towards Charles Leclerc of Ferrari?', Nico asks.

'Well I think that's an easy question, you can't always win and Charles deserves it really much. Ferrari can have this one and then we'll win some other race', Max smiles.

'Yes I agree', I say

'Maeve your dad obviously raced for Ferrari, does that mean you have more love for Ferrari or hate because you are now driving for Redbull?', Nico asks me.

'Well, to quote someone famous from Ferrari... everyone is a Ferrari fan. Even if they say they're not, they are Ferrari fans. And I agree with that, Ferrari will always be a place I grew up with my father, with my friends, you know, so no hard feelings towards them. Charles deserves it.'

'Beautifully said, I must admit it feels weird talking to you, you resemble your father so much it's almost uncanny', Nico laughs.

'Even the German accent he', Max smiles.

'Yes! Maeve is it hard for you to live with the Vettel name?', Nico asks.

'Well sometimes, people will always connect my dad to the name'

'I agree on that one, your dad had VET as his racing name and you have MVE, just like Mick and Michael. But in my head, Vettel will always be your dad because no one can come close, not even you'.

The fuck

I get that my father is better and I won't even deny it, but he just roasted the fuck out of me.

'Why compare her to her father? Maeve is her own person, Seb isn't Maeve and Maeve isn't Seb. It's just like me and my dad, you can't compare us either. You should know Nico, you aren't Keke either, right?', Max stands up for me.

Nico turns towards the camera. 'And he is completely right! This was it for today, we hope you had an amazing time at the Monaco GP'.

'Let's go Maeve', Max walks past me and moves towards the garages.

'Thank you Max, for standing up for me', I follow him.

'It's no problem, he made my blood boil, I had to'.

'I appreciate it, I appreciate you', I tell him.

He smiles at me.

That same evening

Luciana's point of view.

'We have to talk about this', I tell him.

'The people think we are in a relationship, the only advantage I see is that I can kiss you without having to hide it', Charles laughs.

'Stop that, my dad knows it's fake', I am standing in the closet, figuring out what to wear for the party.

'We can just say we are really into it, great actors'.

'Is it a joke to you Charles?', I sigh. 'We are not together... we have kissed once, we're not even in love.'

'But now we have time to figure it out, you know, we have time to figure out if it's more than kissing. Don't you want that?'.

'Charles you are extremely attractive, you are kind and loveable. I want nothing more than to find that out but what if it doesn't work, what if we end up hating each other and we'll still have to do this whole fake relationship thing'.

He laughs. 'Princess, I could never hate you. I get the feeling you are scared, why?'.

'Because this is complicated, I am your boss, my father is your boss...'

'Are you scared you can't love me?'

'No, Charles... I am scared that I will love you'.

'So you are scared I won't love you back?'

'Stop telling me I'm scared, I'm not scared.'

'Then fuck it, kiss me on the streets, stay at my house, come to family meetings. Let's act like we're in the dating stage'.

'What if it goes wrong?', I grab the dress I want to wear for the night and I lay it down on the chair.

'Take risks, princess. What if it goes right?', he asks.

'Fine, I will do this. But you have to promise not to break my heart or whatever', I am still in the closet, I throw on a bathrobe.

'I promise, I would never hurt you, princess'.

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