54: better left unsaid

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Photo Maeve has placed on her private Instagram

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Photo Maeve has placed on her private Instagram.

Maeve's point of view

I walk to the kitchen, searching for my phone.

I notice the ringtone isn't mine... it's Max'.

I look at the number, Jos.

Okay, I'll answer the phone and then tell him Max is asleep... because who the fuck calls at 6:00?


'Max... you disappointment... don't tell me the rumors are true... have you been partying with that German?', Jos says.

That German? Does he mean me?

'She's a German, you can't trust her. She is much faster than you, you can't let her win this championship', he says. 'You are a disappointment if you let her win Max, I will disown you'.

'I should've beat you harder, Max. You disgust me... every day of the week I am ashamed to be called your father. Max Verstappen... your name should've been Kumpen... you are just as bad as your mother'

'Who the fuck do you think you are?', I hiss. 'You weren't any better in F1 were you? How many wins did you get? Oh right... none. Believe me, the view is better at P1 than P2, I can guarantee you that'.

'Why are you picking up his phone, Vettel?', Jos' voice is stiff and harsh.

'Because Max and I share an apartment this week, that's right. He's sleeping in the same house as a German. Now do me a favor and don't call him again at this hour. As a matter of fact, never ever call again if you keep saying he's a disappointment. He is an amazing driver and he races for the best F1 team ever. Can you say the same? I don't think so. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up', I hang up the phone.

I don't understand how one can live with him as a father, he's horrible.

I'm so lucky with mine, I understand that now.

Poor Poor Max... Jos is horrible!

'Thank you', I turn around to see Max standing there.

'No one ever stood up for me... thank you', Max says.

'It's alright... he's an asshole', I shrug.

'Yet he's still my father, unfortunately', Max sighs.

'Want to order some dessert and forget about the world?', I ask

He nods. 'Sounds better than my plan, having to bathe myself in self-pity and telling myself everyone will leave'.

'Max, we're friends now... I'm not going to leave you, I promise you won't ever have to suffer by yourself again'.

It sounds weird... saying we're friends... especially since we almost kissed.

Which also is something I did not think was going to happen this year

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