41: Forever my princess

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Luciana's point of view

'No, absolutely not,' my dad exclaimed

'Frederic, it's our only option', Mia tells him.

I feel tears forming behind my eyes.

'No, absolutely not, what will the media say?'

'We will give her a contract at Mclaren, we already talked to their PR team, she will be Lando's new content creator', Silvia explains.

I laugh at the idea of Lando and I working together.

I feel Charles' gaze burning into the side of my face, but I choose to ignore it.

'Absolutely not, a father working at Ferrari, manager of Ferrari, and a daughter working at McLaren? Luciana breathes Ferrari, she IS Ferrari', my father slams his fist on the table.

'Arrête papa, ils ont déjà pris leur décision. Baise-les, je travaillerai chez McLaren', I tell him, Mia and Silvia don't understand a thing. (Stop it Papa, they already made up their mind. Fuck them, I'll work at McLaren).

'Are you joking, Mon amour? I won't let them,' my father says.

I try to go against him but then Charles wants to speak, 'Ho un piano, e se... non smentissimo le voci?', Charles says in I assume Italian, I don't understand a thing.

'Cosa intendi?', my father asks.

'Let's talk English pleas-', Mia tries to say but gets interrupted.

'Non li riconosciamo', Charles is looking directly at my dad, not even for a second he looks at me.

'I have a plan', my father finally says.

'Tell us, but now in English', Mia says bitterly.

'Listen, I don't like your tone towards my father-'

'Gulia Isabella, stop it', my father says.

Why did he use my middle name? I'm actually scared right now.

'Fake-dating', my father explains.

My eyes grow big.

'What?', I say.

'That wasn't what I suggested', Charles admits.

'No, but it is what I'm suggesting'

'What do you have in mind?', Mia asks.

'They get together, for the public, they have dates, they kiss a few times, not more than kissing, Charles I'll break your hands', my father warns him, Charles smirks. 'But... basically they will do that until... the end of this season, then they'll break up or something, we'll see then', my dad suggests.

'Why can't we just tell them it's not true, just like with Oscar and Sienna?', I ask.

'Because Oscar had a girlfriend he could show off, you both have not. Believe me it is easier to confirm the rumors than to act like they don't exist', Mia says.

'So now you're all on board with this? I'm not acting like I'm his girlfriend', I stand up.

'Sit down Luciana', my dad asks.

'No!', I hiss.

'Luciana Gulia Isabella Vasseur, sit your ass down right now', he orders.

I take a seat.

'We'll do it, make a contract, we'll make an Instagram post tonight and then tomorrow there will be a press conference regarding the relationship', Silvia says.

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