37: Anything for you

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The next day

Max's point of view.

I knock on the door.

'Maeve? You awake?', I ask.

The door opens.

Her blonde hair into a messy bun, hair flying everywhere.

Her eyes still half closed.

She's so beautiful that I almost don't notice her wearing my shirt.

'Morning, do you have coffee?', she asks.

I laugh and show her the mug I have in my hands.

'Max Verstappen, you are the champion of the world', she giggles while taking the mug.

She walks towards the bed and takes a seat.

'I won't bite, come sit next to me', she points to the spot next to her.

I walk over to her and sit down.

'You're wearing my shirt', I say.

'Yeah, that dress is like a thousand dollars, I'm not sleeping in it. Besides, I couldn't breathe in it', she laughs.

I laugh too. 'You can borrow some more clothes, so you don't have to go home, you know? Free practice is in like two hours, you can shower here'.

She nods. 'Thank you, I really appreciate that. You wouldn't have any sweatpants for a woman size medium would you?', she asks laughing.

'I will see what I can do', I smile.

'Oh Max', she walks towards my nightstand and bents down.

The shirt is not nearly long enough to cover whatever she wants to... cover.

Suddenly the room is very... hot.

'Here, I found this under the pillow, I'm, sorry I couldn't sleep with it so I put it away', she gives me a photo frame.

It's a photo of me, my mom, my dad and Victoria. I always keep it under my pillow, so that I can remind myself not to give up, to race for them.

'It's fine, I always put it away too'.

'There are towels in the shower and there is also some shampoo for women, Vic left it here'.

'Thanks', Maeve says.

I walk out of the room.

God, I can't think straight when she's laying in my bed.

What the hell happened?

I pull out my phone and call my housekeeper.

'Natasha? Hello, can you buy me some sweatpants for women, size medium?'.

Sienna's point of view.

My cap is on, my sunglasses are big enough to cover my whole face.

I'm undercover.

I walk towards the bank.

'I want to withdraw', I tell the woman behind the desk.


'Jolene Smith', I whisper.

'How much?', she types something on her computer.

'Five thousand', I cough.

She looks up at me and then behind me.


This happens every time, they think I'm being followed or threatened or something.

'Insurance', I smile.

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