8: War of hearts

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Sienna's point of view:

'Okay listen, girls, we have Ferrari red or Red Bull blue', Maeve holds two dresses up.

'The dark blue one definitely brings out your eyes, although I'm a die-hard Ferrari fan', Luci says.

I am stuck in my own thoughts. Lando kissed me this morning and then... he just walked away. He said; 'remember me when you think of trees'. He just fucking left me in my bedroom with smudged lipstick, that asshole.

'Sienna? What the hell are you thinking about?', Luci is clapping in my face.

'Sorry, it's nothing. I just hope Carlos wins this weekend, he has been down lately. Oh god I'm sorry Maeve I know I should support you', I tell her.

'Please Sienna, he's your brother. I want him to win more than I want Max to win, god he's insufferable.

Luci and I look at each other and giggle.

'Alright Luci, now tell us all about that job promotion of yours. We're so happy for you!', Maeve says. 

A few hours later we are all ready, fed, and done.

''Oui? Ah merci monsieur ! À bientôt!', Luciana ends her call.

'I don't understand shit, god and they say Spanish and French sound alike', Maeve says.

'Maeve, no one says that sweetie', I tell her laughing.

'Okay so the taxi is on its way, in fact... he is right there', a car comes driving towards us and we wave.

We get in the taxi and say hi to the old man.

'You!' He points to Luciana, 'you are the new content creator for Leclerc! And you!' He points at Maeve, 'You are the Red Bull driver. What a fantastic moment!', the driver laughs.

It doesn't even bother me that he doesn't recognize me, I enjoy keeping out of the spotlight as much as I enjoy being in it.

We get out of the car and the man rolls down his window. 

'Miss Sainz, I was too scared to ask but may I please take a picture with you', the old man is shaking.

'Of course!', my heart melts as he opens his phone and snaps a picture with me and then with all of us.

 When we get inside the club I have already spotted Lando, I wish I didn't.

Luciana's point of view:

'Princess, you look absolutely beautiful in my colors', He grabs my hand and spins me.

'For the record, these are Ferrari colors, not yours at all', but I still get flattered by his compliment, for fuck sake.

'Let me order you a drink, you seem like a martini girl', I hate that he is right.

'I am, but with a lot of ice please', I tell him

He orders me the drink and talks with me. Sometimes he even brushes his hand against my knee, which... okay I will not give further details.

'Your dad said he might join us, but he stayed at home with your mom I guess?', Charles takes a sip from his drink.

I choke.

'My who?', I ask him.

'Your mom?'

'Oh Charles, my mother died twenty years ago, I don't think they're on talking terms right now', he spits out his drink.

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