73: Redbull driver

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Luciana's point of view

'Yeah, I'll be fine. Get out now, I need to race', Maeve smiles.

'Be careful alright, we love you', I kiss her helmet.

'Bye Maevey, good luck', Sienna taps her helmet.

We walk out of the garage, moving towards our favorite space on the tribune.

'We still have 10 minutes, do you mind walking with me to the fan shop?', Sienna stops in front of the tribune.

'Sure, yea'.

We turn around and walk towards the fan shop, Sienna talks to the owner and he grabs something from under the desk.

She hands him some money

'Priorities?', I ask her.

She takes off her shirt. Dw, she's wearing a singlet underneath it.

'I have to support the hubby now', she smiles as she grabs the Mclaren t-shirt and puts it on.

'I get it, that's why I wear number 16'.

'Although that is different, because my Ferrari shirt had my brother's name on it', Sienna laughs.


Maeve's point of view

Lap 1

The fans quiet down as the famous red lights flash above the grid.

Me, Max, Logan.

Me, Max


I hold my breath for the start of the race, my heart beats together with the lights.

The moment they change I push my throttle and the cars take off behind me.

Silverstone is beautiful, it's perfect for me.

I keep my lead around the first corner, Max not far behind.

In my mirror I notice debris, the sound of clanging metal fills my ears.

Charles is out.

Poor Leclerc.

RADIO: That is Leclerc, I repeat, Leclerc. Yellow flag, Maeve.

MAE: Will it be a safety car?

RADIO: Probably not, they'll get him out of there really quick.


Lap 8

My favorite smell on earth meets my nose, well... second favorite smell. First would be the smell of Red Velvet. this is burning rubber.

Max fights for the lead, but I won't let him gain the position

I remain defensive of my position.

At one of the sharp turns Max tries to overtake me and succeeds but he does it so sloppily that my front wing touches his.

MAE: Check front wing damage, now Owen.

RADIO: Slight damage, no big deal. Max has a lot, probably needs a new one.

MAE: Karma.

Lap 16

The Grand Prix is in full swing.

My heart still pounding, but driving gives me a sense of calmness.

I need to win this, I need to become World Champion.

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