43: It's about the trust

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Luciana's point of view.

Sienna and I jump up.

'WE DID IT!!', Sienna yells.

'WE WON WE FUCKING WON!!', I can't control my happiness.


We run down the stands and run towards the big red group celebrating a few meters further.

'We did it!! We actually did it!!', my dad runs towards us.

'Mamma Mia!!', he grabs my head and kisses it.

I am incredibly proud of him.

So proud my mind even can't process it.

We won.

He won.

Maeve's point of view

I place my car at the P2 board and I jump out of it.

The whole crowd roars, first for Leclerc and then for me.

'Vettel! Vettel', they scream.

My first instinct is to think about my dad

In my eyes he is Vettel, but for these people standing here... I am Vettel.

I wave and they scream even more.

'Maeve! You did it mein kleines Mädchen!!', my dad runs up to me and hugs me.

'I don't think you are allowed to be here dad', I hug him back.

'Please, we are Vettels, they bend their rules just to keep us', he winks.

'I guess we are'

Max's point of view

She's standing there, with her dad.

Yet my dad is nowhere to be seen, ashamed of me being his son.

Ashamed of me carrying the Verstappen name.

Why? Because I got P3.

I couldn't care less, I raced my ass off.

Yet for him, it's the end of the world.

'Maxie!', Maeve walks towards me and hugs me.

'We're hugging now?', I whisper.

'I'm hugging you because you deserve it, you drove like a lion today'.

'Thank you Maeve, although I'm not sure he believes that', I look at my dad walking towards us.

'Don't mind him, Max. He is... excuse me... a dick', she giggles.

'Max, zoon!', he opens his arm and walks towards me.

What the fuck?

'Max gefeliciteerd jongen', he slams his arms around me.

'What are you doing?', I ask.

'Doing what a father should do, we can't risk it with these rumors flying around', he whispers.

Aha, there is the catch.

I should've known.

There's always a catch.

Charles' point of view

I won.

I fucking won.

Fuck these goddamn strategies.

I won.

At my home race.

I won and it's all because of her.

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