69: Do something?

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Maeve's point of view

Someone knocks on my hotel door.

I rush over to the door, I still have to do my hair but I'm happy with the rest of my outfit.

I'm wearing a short black dress with a low cut back, I have worn it before.

I open the door and Verstappen smiles to me.

'Wow, you look beautiful!', he says amazed.

'Thank you, Max. How can I help?'.

'I actually have a gift for you', he says as I let him into my room.

'Oh really? What for?', I ask.

'Because I'm proud of you for doing so well in F1. It's an addition to your collection.'

He hands me a black box and I open it.

I recognize it immediately.

'You bought me a necklace inspired by the Queen's collection?', I gasp. 'It's beautiful'.

'You like it?', he asks shy.

'Oh Max I love it', I kiss his cheek. 'This is brilliant'.

He smirks. 'I'm glad'

'Do you want something to drink?', I ask him.

'Why the hell not', he smiles.

Luciana's point of view

'You must be Luciana', Max Fewtrell holds out his hand.

'I am indeed, hello Max. Call me Luci please', I smile.

'Welcome to my house, Lando and Sienna are already here. You can hang your coat there and drinks are in the kitchen', he explains.

His house is full of people but it isn't crowded or something. He introduces us to some people and then shows us where Lando and Sienna are.

'Hey!', Sienna hugs me and Charles.

Lando shakes Charles' hand.

'Come on, we're getting something to drink', she smiles and takes my hand.

We walk past a brunette, who smiles at Sienna.

'Oh my god! Maria!', Sienna hugs her.

'Hey Sienna! Who is your friend?', Maria asks.

'This is Luciana Vasseur', Sienna smiles.

'Oh my god! You're the PR-agent! I loved your Ferrari videos and now Charles' PR is really upgraded!'.

'Thank you so much! I try my best, it is busy work but I'm sure some people work harder', I answer.

'Well keep going, girl! You're amazing!', she winks.

We say goodbye and we walk towards the kitchen.

'Who was that?', I ask Sien.

'That's Ria, she's a team member in Quadrant! She's so nice!'.

'Yea, she really was! But now I could use a drink', I laugh.

Maeve's point of view

'Maeve!', Max Fewtrell walks towards me.

I give him a hug. 'Hello Max! Thank you for inviting me!'.

'Oh I couldn't not invite you! Wow you look beautiful! We're sitting in the living room with everyone, Max Verstappen isn't here yet'.

'You don't look so bad yourself', I smile.

He closes the door behind me. 'So how's the racing life?', he asks.

'It's great, time goes fast, only three races left'.

'Wow! Zandvoort, Las Vegas and Abu Dhabi?', he asks questioning.

'Yep, correct', I smile. 'How's life with Quadrant?'.

'Amazing, really! But I would kill for another chance in F2 or F1', he sighs.

'I understand'.

We arrive at the living room, everyone is sitting there, Lando, Sienna, Luciana, Charles, and some Quadrant members.

'Well, hello. Don't tell me this is a Maeve Vettel Meet&Greet', I joke.

Lando laughs. 'Humble yourself, Vettel. We're here to', he points to him and Charles.

I chuckle.

'Can I get you something to drink?', Max asks.

'Yeah, why not? A Vodka Redbull please'.

'Alright then, be right back', he smiles.

It's 1,5 hours later and Verstappen still isn't here, I'm starting to feel worried.

I texted him an hour ago, telling him he needs to come.

He hasn't responded.

I'm sitting next to Fewtrell, whose hand has been lingering on my lower back for the last 30 minutes.

'You look beautiful', he whispers in my ear.

I feel myself blushing. 'Thank you, Max'.

'I can't keep my hands from touching you, Maeve'.

Thrills shoot through my body, this man.

'Then don't, let them touch me', I whisper softly.

'What are you two talking about?', Lando interrupts.

'Weather' I say

'Racing', Max says at the same time.

Sienna laughs.

'Maeve, want something to drink?', he asks.

'Yeah sure, I'll come with you'.

I walk towards the kitchen with him.

He grabs a Redbull and some vodka and pours it together.

'How about we talk somewhere private?', he asks nervously.

I don't think he means talking literally.

'Sure, maybe in your bedroom?', I wink.

He grabs our drinks and moves towards a big staircase, he walks up the stairs.

I feel people's eyes burning on my back, but all these people here are famous, everyone here is either cheating or enjoying 'the single-life', no one would tell someone, so I don't have to worry.

We walk towards - I presume - his bedroom.

I walk in and he places the drinks on a dresser.

I go to close the door and I feel two hands on my hips.

He turns me around and pushes my back against the door.

'God, you're so beautiful Maeve'.

I blush as he begins kissing my neck.

I run my fingers through his hair and his face meets mine.

'Can I kiss you?', he asks. I nod.

He slowly puts his lips on mine, he carefully kisses me as if I'm fragile.

He grabs my hands and while kissing me places them above my head.

'Stay', he whispers.

He yanks off his t-shirt with one hand.

He has a really nice body, and a really nice smile.

He moves to grab something out of his nightstand, it has a golden wrapper... you know what I mean.

My hands move to his chest and my body aches for him to do more.

I take off my shirt, he looks at me as if I'm an angel.

'You gonna stand there and look or are you actually gonna do something?'.

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