72: Become World Champion

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Saturday, quali

Maeve's point of view

Since Barcelona... my mind has only focused on one thing since those few days.

What would've happened if I had kissed Max?

If my lips touched his...

If our tongues met each other...


'Maevey, you in there?', Max' voice fills my head.

Speaking of the devil.

I open the door. 'Hello Max'.

'Maeve we have a problem', he looks serious.


'What happened?', I ask.

'My racing suit won't fit', he sighs.

What? That's it?

I start laughing. 'What?'

'Not funny Maeve... it won't close... it's because you have been treating me to fast food these last few days', he pouts.

I giggle as he turns his back to me and I try to zip up his suit.

'Oh wow... I really can't close it'

'Ja slimpie, dat zei ik toch ook al godverdomme', he mumbles.

'As if I could understand you when you talk Gibberish', I smile.

'Just pull harder, Maeve'.

I check the label inside his suit and I laugh even harder.

'What?', he tries to hide his smile but my laughter creates dopamine.

'Max... is it... tight in your... private areas?', I ask.

He looks confused. 'Not that it's any of your business but yes maybe...'

'Do you mind checking my label?', I ask and turn around.

I feel his hand gliding up my back, meeting my neck.


'Oh god', he realizes. 'We're wearing each other's suits'.

He starts laughing.

I zip open my suit and step out of it, I'm not naked, I'm wearing fire protection but he still closes his eyes.

'Here', I hand him the suit.

'Thanks, I better go change', he smiles.

I close the door and I lay down on my bed.

Suddenly a feeling rushes through me.

A feeling of wanting to kick my feet and giggle.

Sienna's point of view

'Éxito, Hermano', I hug Carlos.

'Thanks, Sienna. Make sure to root for us', he smiles.

'I will', I wish Charles good luck and I rush over to the Mclaren garage. If I want to see him I have to hurry.

I find him talking to Oscar, already wearing his race suit.

I can feel the camera's pointing at us as I make my way towards him.

'Sienna', he smiles.

He closes his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

'Good luck today, Novio'.

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