40: They're firing me?

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Luciana's point of view

'Okay, hold still. Yes just like that!', Charles is really good at modeling.

'How much longer? I hate this', he sighs.

'We're done actually,  I'll just clean this mess, you can go', I place the camera in the protective case.

'Princess, I'll help you', he grabs the lightbox and folds it.

'Thank you, Charles, I appreciate it'

The photoshoot turned out amazing, he looks amazing, really.

'Let's get something to eat, shall we?', Charles grabs the last bag filled with stuff.

'Yes, I'm starving', I smile.

When we walk out of the door the whole street is filled with camera's.

'Mon dieu', Charles whispers under his breath.

'My thoughts exactly'

He waves to the camera's and I take a step back, this is his moment, not mine.

'Charles! Please can we ask some questions?', one of the crews yells.

'You can, not sure if I'll answer them though', he laughs, so does the crew.

'You and Miss Vasseur... are you two a thing?', someone yells.

Charles turns around and looks at me as if he's asking me for permission to say yes or something.

'No, I'm sorry sir we cannot make you happy with that one, Charles and I are just friends who happen to work with each other', I walk towards the people.

'We actually just finished shooting a new photoshoot! Since I am still his personal content creator we spend a lot of time with each other, so we get the confusion', I smile at them.

'Thank you Luciana!', someone shouts.

'Charles will you win tomorrow?', some guy asks him.

'I kinda made a bet, so I have to', he laughs and opens the car door for me.

'What kind of bet?', a small girl asks.

'It's a secret, but it will make me very happy', he pats her head and also gets in the car.

He waves to the crowd and he drives away.

'A bet huh? Don't know anything about that', I smirk.

'Shut up, you know you want me to win', he says.

'Hello my name is Olivia and I'll be your waiter today, what can I get you both?', the girl asks.

'A water and a salad for me please', I tell her.

'You sure? I'm getting a burger with a diet coke', Charles asks.

'I'm not sure your trainer would be happy with that', I laugh. 'I'll take the same as you, it sounds better.'

The waiter nods and walks off.

'Are you nervous for tomorrow?', I ask him, his beautiful eyes looking at mine.

'Not at all, I've got all the luck I need', he smiles.

'God, I wish I could kiss you right now, right here... I want to feel your lips again', Charles sighs.

'Keep your voice down! What if someone hears', I hiss.

'Then they'll know too'

The man behind Charles gets up from his table and walks away, which reminds me to lower my voice

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