16: We've had today.

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Later that day

Luciana's point of view

'Luci, you are allowed to get another glass', Maeve grabs another bottle of wine and pours me another glass.

'Wait, why am I not allowed to have a new... another... glass', Sienna mumbles.

'Because Luci has had a hard day, and you are already too far gone', Maeve says.

I grab the glass and put it to my mouth.

'Luci, you shouldn't think about that awful mother, you shall need to think about Charles. Because there's definitely chemistry', Sienna says.

'Shut up. You're wasted, Sienna', I say.

'Not wasted enough to not see the sparks that fly between you', she yells at me.

'You just busted my fucking eardrum, your sentences don't even make sense anymore', Maeve says.

'True story, and why are you trying to set me up with Charles? 1. He's my boss, 2. He works for my dad', I say.

Sienna clears her throat

'1. He's flamingly fucking honest to god hot', I can't help but laugh. '2. Forbidden romance is my favorite trope, 3. you are fucking hot and you will make cute babies'. She says.

'Sienna is just feeling left out, being the only one in a relationship', Maeve says.

'Definitely not, I'm giving him no ring', Sienna laughs.

'No, I believe the traditional thing is to do it the other way around', I say.

'Get me another glass Maeve, get one for yourself too, It's my treat', Sienna says.

'Sienna, this is my house, how can you treat me?', Maeve says while laughing.

Sien pulls out her wallet and grabs five 100 euro bills.

'What did the bottle cost? Here is this enough?', she pushes it into Maeve's palm.

Maeve pushes it back. 'Get the fuck out of here, I'm not letting you pay me, especially not since the bottle was 20 euros'.

'Wow, I must buy this wine, send me a link please.' I say.

'Me too!', Sienna yells. Maeve grabs the bottle and pours her another drink.

'But guys, what if we all get together with a driver?', Sienna says.

'No thanks, I'll get together with whom I fall in love', Maeve says.

'Which is totally going to be Max, I see it happening', Sienna tries to whisper but she's way too drunk to even try.

'Not true, Also I'm not the one dating my brother's best friend', Maeve says.

'We're really not dating'

'Sienna, what are you doing then?', I say.

'Mostly fucking, it's great. 10/10, could recommend', she says.

'God, please kill me now', Maeve laughs.

'But I'm serious, he drives as good as he rides... if you get what I mean', Sienna says.

'Wish I didn't', I claim.

'But he isn't as fast as on track, well not all the time. He is gentle and soft unless you know... it's not... then he's really just an ani-', I interrupt her, 'Stop it Sienna I'm this close to puking'.

'Maeve, get yourself another glass', Sienna says once again.

'Sienna, I can't fucking drink'.

'Why? You pregnant?', Sienna says.

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