66: Schatje van me

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Maeve's point of view.

We have a whole setup, a phone book from Monaco, we have two laptops and phones, and anonymous Facebook accounts. We make a great FBI team.

'Okay Max, search for Cynthia's. You give me a last name and then I'll check if they had a baby near 2019/2020', I click on the search bar.

'Okay and then? What are you going to say to her?', Max opens the phone book.

'I'll just give her money'

'That's blackmailing, fraud', Max laughs.

'No, I'm simply giving it to her so she helps me confront Ocon'.

'Maeve, I really don't see how this will work. So you go to his house, tell him he has a kid and then you expect him to not mail the letter?', Max says.

'Duhu, now come on, give me a last name'.

'Alright, Dubois'

'Cynthia Dubois... she... nope didn't have a kid'

'Selous', Max tries to pronounce.


'This is going to take forever', Max sighs.

'I'll order take out'.

Max's point of view

We have been searching for hours, literal hours. We started at 17:00 and it is now 23:00.

But we finally had a breakthrough.

'Okay, I sent the last Cynthia a text... there are only five of them, hopefully they'll reply', she says but a wave of tiredness hits her and she starts yawning.

'Time for me to go home, Maeve. We'll look at this another time', I smile.

'Yeah fine, want me to drive you home? U had a few beers', she asks.

'I took an Uber, actually.'

'Look at you, Max Verstappen, all grown up', she laughs.

'Fuck off, Maeve', I joke.

She slaps my head softly and I return the 'favor'.

'Don't you hit me!', she laughs.

I hit her again and she jumps on top of me, squeezing my face with her hands.

'Little Maxie baby, do you ever listen?', she says in a baby voice.

She confuses my hair and mocks me by impersonating me.

All while still sitting on top of me.

On top... of me.


Suddenly her phone beeps.

She jumps on the bed and grabs her phone really fast.

'Oh my god!', She yells. 'She answered! Cynthia Robinson!'.

'Yes!!', I yell.

'Okay, I'm calling her now', she dials the number and holds it against her ear.

'Hello, this is Maeve'.

Maeve's point of view

'Hello Maeve, I'm Cynthia', the voice sounds.

'Thank you so much for reaching out, do you mind me asking you some questions?', I ask.

'Not at all, I know what you're texting for, if I didn't want to I wouldn't have answered'.

'First I want to ask you what your kid's name is, I don't want to be impersonal', I tell her.

'His name is Matthew, Thank you for asking'

'Cynthia, have you ever done a DNA test on Matthew?', I ask.

'Yes, Esteban left some of his clothes and brush at my place, I kept them locked away, when my child was born I took the brush and grabbed all the hairs it contained. It was him Maeve, Esteban was the father'.

'I must ask, do you have proof?', I don't want her to think I don't trust her but this is important.

'Yes, I do. Listen Maeve, you must know I'm not out on Esteban's love, I want his money. He left me as a SAHM without much money, I can barely make ends meet. I want money, I'm sorry if that sounds rude', she cries.

'Don't cry, Cynthia. You will get money, money from me and from Ocon. I promise you. But this is important so we have to be careful, we can't risk anything, okay?', I tell her.

'Yes... what's the plan?'.

The plan is simple, yet hard. First, Cynthia and I both sign an NDA, to ensure this never comes out and that she trusts me. We are going to Ocon's hotel, soon, not yet. Then I will talk to him and suddenly bring up Cynthia, Cynthia knocks on the door with the test results, we tell Ocon we know about the deal, and we force Ocon to quit, no idea if that will work but sure, we let him sign a NDA and we put inside that if he tells we will show the world his kid and how he treated his son. He is going to call Kyvat saying he can come to get an Alpine seat and ta-da we're finito.


God this will never work.

'Thank you, Cynthia', I really appreciate her helping me out. 'I will see you this Friday. Yes thank you so much! Give Matthew a kiss from me!'. I hang up.

'We did it...', I whisper.

'Of course, we did it, Maeve. This is not going to cost you your career'.

'What if it doesn't work? I mean it is a plan that only works in fanfictions', I sigh.

'Maeve, our friendship is a fucking fanfiction... we'd be the enemies to friends type. We freaking are a fanfiction of our own imagination. This will work okay? Ocon doesn't want his children around and he doesn't want his reputation damaged, trust me, the odds will be in our favor'.

'Poor Matthew... he never knew his father and now when he'll ask his mom about it in ten years she has to say he's an f1-driving douchebag', I sit down next to Max.

'Completely off topic but Matthew is a pretty name', Max admits.

'Yea it is, you know what name I also find really beautiful?', Max shakes his head. 'Cordelia, Freya, Ella, and Jess', I smile.

'Ella or Emily, yes!', Max says excitedly. 'I love Simone tho, it's a Dutch name and you have really cute nicknames'.

'Sara, or... hear me out... Heaven!', I rant. 'Elizabeth, Irene, Star, Ines, Laura, Lowri, Florence, ANNE!'.

'Okay, Maeve... slow down. U have a lot of time to prepare baby names. Right now, you are going to sleep because tomorrow we have a party and you are going to have lunch with your girls'.

'You're right... I just hope the Ocon plan works', I sigh.

'Don't make me do the speech again, Maeve. I forgot it already', he smirks.

'Shut up', I joke.

'I will shut up... if you kiss me', he jokes.

Right? It must be a joke.

'Then you better keep on talking', I laugh.

He gets off the couch. 'Alright, I'm gonna go. I will text you when I get home, don't worry'.

'Alright, Max. Goodnight, my dearest spy', I laugh.

'Goodnight, schatje van me'.

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