Bewitched part 2

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Hiccup did visit the young witch and he visited the next day and the next day and the next day. He was so intrigued with the idea of magic. As was Merida of the outside world. She had to admit that she missed being able to talk to an actual person rather than just a magic broom. Hiccup was funny and smart and not like most mortals she had known long ago. Instead of fearing magic he was interested. She never told him her spells though. Even after he begged her to tell him one. She refused. Witches were forbidden to teach or give mortals spells that would help the mortal in anyway ever since witches had to go into hiding. If she did then she would be forced to live as a cat until she found another witch to set her free and since witches were hard to come didn't look like Hiccup was going to get a spell anytime soon.

Until one day he didn't come for his usual afternoon visit.

'He's probably just busy running the village.' She thought but when a day turned into a week she grew worried.

She snapped for her magic mirror. "Mirror show me where Hiccup is please."

The mirror showed her and Merida almost dropped the mirror in shock. The mirror showed Hiccup locked in a dungeon dehydrated and starving.

She zapped herself there immediately and in seconds she was at Hiccup's side.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner." She said

He struggled to move his head to look at her direction. He had been injured badly. His body was famished and dehydrated and his head had a bump the size of a fist.

"I don't think I'm going to make it." He whispered "Thank you for coming for me,"

"Don't talk like that you're going to be fine I'll get you some water and some food."

"I won't have time, Merida I want you to kn-" he began losing breath.

"Oh no you don't!" She insisted.

There was no time for food or water. She had to make up a spell and fast. The thing about spells is there isn't just spells from a spellbook. You can make anything a spell if it one rhymes, two you believe in it, and three you know a little magic.

"Before my friend faces his doom, heal him and take us back to my living room." She chanted.

Hiccup woke up feeling no pain. He stared at the ceiling of the familiar cabin. He sat up feeling stronger than ever but as he looked around he found Merida was nowhere to be found.

"Merida? Merida! Where are you?"

"Over here Hiccup." She replied.

He looked to his left and under the table was a black cat with familiar blue eyes.

"Oh no this is all my fault." He replied.

"It's okay. You're alright that's all that matters."

"Merida. I swear as long as I live I will make sure we find a way to get you back to yourself again." Hiccup vowed.

"That's going to be difficult and dangerous Hiccup. Witches don't help humans."

"You helped me. You can't be the only witch that likes humans."

"I never said I liked humans. They're the reason we went into hiding in the first place. You're different but not everyone is like you. But many witches are like me, they won't trust a human at first glance." She replied.

"I don't care. I'll find a way."

"Hiccup they will kill you when they see you! I will not let you throw your life and my sacrifice away for nothing." Merida said.

"What do you suppose we do then?" Hiccup asked.

"We have to find my teacher." She said pouncing up to the shelf with the spell books.

"I assumed she was you know dead since this was her house...."

"She's out there somewhere I hear her voice in my head everyday. She gave me this cabin to keep me safe because I had nowhere else to go." Merida pushed a book down from the shelf and jumped down. "She however did have another place to go."

"Where is that then?" Hiccup asked.

"She could've gone to stay in her sister's coven and for us to get there we'll have to see my brothers." She replied.
"Brothers? You have brothers?" Hiccup asked.

"Yes, three actually. They will come with us to protect you since I'm basically useless."

"You aren't useless."

"Hiccup I'm a house cat and as long as I am a house cat I can't do magic, so I'm not very useful at the moment that's why we need my brothers. Now you have a dragon correct?"

"Yes but he's lost at the moment. I was attacked while flying."

"Can't you call him or signal him." Merida asked.

"I can try he has good hearing but I don't know how far he is or if he's injured."

"You have to try." Merida said.

Hiccup sighed and went outside. "Toothless!" He yelled. He repeated this action several times along with the occasional dragon call.

"If he heard me and he isn't injured he should be coming soon." Hiccup said.

A purple blast exploded into the sky from the forest trees. It was miles away from them but Hiccup saw it. "He's okay. We have to go now."

"Bring the book with you." Merida said.

Hiccup went inside and got the book from the floor. They took off into the forest to find Toothless. Hiccup was running towards the sound of the blast he turned to see Merida was very far behind him,

"Don't worry I'll catch up." Merida said " Damn these small fuzzy legs " she muttered.

"Here." Hiccup ran back and picked her up.

"Put me down I'm fine." She breathed heavily from running.

"We won't get to Toothless in time. I'm sorry I'll have to carry you for now."

"God carried by a human and I'm a cat my teacher is never going to let me hear the end of this one." She replied,

Hiccup continued running with Merida and the book. Finally he found Toothless who was trapped in a fire proof net.

"That's your dragon?" Merida asked,

"That's my friend." Hiccup replied.

Authors note: yes there will be a part 3 if I wasn't writing three Drabble books and a sequel for my road trip I would probably make this into a full story but for now it will be in parts there maybe a part four if it's really necessary lol hope you all like it! Please comment vote and request!

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