Hiccup's POV
I was a very small child. I'm sixteen now and I've gotten a lot taller but I'm still slim. Fishbone my dad would call me. Ironically my dad is huge. Guess you could say I got my mom's side of the gene pool. She died when I was about five.
I stopped getting picked on when my growth spurt hit. Hell I even made friends and I made the basketball team. Which was funny because I sucked at sports. Basketball was pretty easy for me though due to my height and knowledge of physics. I even had a girlfriend for a little while but, Astrid and I both agreed we were better as friends.
Finally I was living the normal high school life, I was starting my junior year, until I met her.
There she was in the front of my English class. Spiraling curls of red hair, blue eyes and a mischievous grin. She wore a green and blue plaid shirt and torn up jeans.
"Class this is our new student Merida Dunbroch. She just transferred here all the way from Scotland." Mrs. Evans said.
"Why don't you take a seat next to Henry." She pointed to me.
She sat next to me in silence her grin gone and instead a bored look came across her face.
Should I say hi? Or like a welcome or something.
Maybe I should just not speak to her or wait for her to speak to me.
Merida's POV
The new school wasn't so bad. It looked different from my school in Scotland but it seemed all together an ok school.
My first class was English. The teacher made me sit next to a tall boy named Henry.
I was never good at making friends. I had about three at my last school. And that's because I knew them since first grade.
Don't look at him. He'll think your weird.
Should I say hi or nice to meet you....
Oh god Merida just try to make friends. For mum's sake.
"Hi," I said.
"Oh um hi." He replied.
"I'm Merida."
"Henry but my friend's call me Hiccup."
"Hiccup? Why is that?" I asked curious.
"Well when I was younger I used to always catch the hiccups like on a daily basis so my dad nicknamed me Hiccup and the name catches on to my friends and it just stuck." He said playing around with his pencil.
"Hmm well that's one way to get a name." I smiled
"No way! You like Thor!" He said pointing to my binder that had a Thor comic strip in the front.
"Yeah he's my favorite avenger well besides hawkeye of course."
"It's because what's his name Hemsworth plays him in the movie isn't it?"
"Hell no, I've been reading Thor way before the movie came out."
"Merida, Henry don't make me separate you two on the first day." Mrs. Evans said
Third person POV
That's how it all started. After that day the two were inseparable, talking about comics,tv shows,and movies.
Their friendship was odd but it was theirs. Until Hiccup felt something he hadn't felt before.
It was on a Tuesday in the middle of the school year and Hiccup was waiting on the bus for Merida as usual. She came onto the bus wearing her usual outfit a t-shirt with jeans. She sat down and began talking to him about her archery class and how some guy almost hit the instructor with an arrow.
Right in that moment he just looked at her like she was a totally different person. Her eyes sparked with amusement her hands gesturing of how the event happened and he couldn't help himself. He fell in love with her that moment.
"Can ye believe it Hic?! I mean " Merida looked over "What?"
"Oh nothing." He replied
He couldn't tell her it would ruin their whole friendship. He knew he'd rather have her as a friend then nothing at all.
So he kept quiet.
It took Merida about month for her to feel the same way.
One day she had gotten on the bus and Hiccup wasn't there.
She sat down disappointed in her seat. The bus driver closed doors and began driving.
"Wait!!" Se hear a voice yell.
The bus was already moving when she looked out the window and saw Hiccup running for his life to catch the bus. In that moment when she saw Hiccup's goofy expression as he yelled for the bus to stop. Was when she felt it.
"Stop the bus!!" Merida finally shouted to the bus driver.
The bus driver saw Hiccup and stopped.
"Thank you......so.....much..." Hiccup breathed
He sat next to Merida.
"Sorry I overslept." He said still panting "I don't think I have ever ran that fast in my life."
She stared at him not knowing what to do.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Uh yeah..."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." She replied.
She thought for a moment. What should she do? Do nothing? What if he didn't like her back? It would ruin her whole friendship.
She thought about this for weeks and decided the best thing to do was stay away from Hiccup as much as possible. So she could figure out what to do.
Hiccup was confused. Why was she avoiding him? Had she figured out his feelings. Oh god why what did he do?
After two weeks he finally approached her after school.
"Did I do something to upset you?" He asked.
"No." She replied.
" Well can you please tell me why you have barely said two words to me in the past two weeks?"
"I can't." She said.
"Why please whatever I did I'm sorry!" He said.
"Hiccup you're just making it worst how am I supposed to get over you when you do that." She said "I mean." Realizing what she just said.
"Getting over me? What are you talking about?"
"I can't tell you.." She whispered.
"God Hiccup do you have to ask a million questions?! It's because I don't want to hear the only person who I feel myself with to reject me alright!" She yelled.
"Reject? You? Wait you mean...." Hiccup stuttered.
"Yes alright save me the friendship speech how it will completely ruin everything I've told myself that story a million times in my head but I still can't believe it."
"Mer, I really like you..........much more than a friend."
"What?!" She questioned.
"You're my best friend and I guess you've always been more than a friend but I didn't actually know it till March. When you told me that archery story on the bus that morning." He said.
"What?! Really?"
"Really and you say I ask a million questions." He smiled.
She jumped into his arms and said "I like you too Hic."
"Well that's good or else I would think you were leading me on right now." He joked.
"I even like your lame jokes."
"Hey! They are not.."
Merida stood on her tiptoes and kissed Hiccup. Making him surprised and happy.
"Wow, you see my lame jokes got me a kiss." Hiccup said.
"It's about time Haddock!" Yelled his best friend Jack from up campus.
"Shut up Frost!" He shouted back.
"Well he is right it's about time." She smiled and they held each others hand the whole bus ride.
Authors note: sorry for lack of drabbles hope this long one makes up for it!!! Comment vote and share!!