In Scotland there is a beautiful kingdom surrounded by forest. Most of the time these wild forests are serene and peaceful....but this was not one of those times. Merida and Hiccup had been courting for sometime but their stubbornness and opinions made for not so quiet quarrels.
"I can't believe you would say that!" Hiccup shouted at Merida
Merida and Hiccup had gotten into a fight in the forest about Hiccup leaving with the other Vikings to battle Dagur. She was upset that Hiccup wasn't letting her go. All of his tribe was going and so were a few Scottish soldiers however Hiccup had made it very clear he did not want Merida anywhere near the battlefield.
"It's true! You don't want me there. You don't think I could help." Merida yelled.
"That's not true,"
"Then why?" Merida interrupted. "You're letting Astrid, Tuffnut, and all the others go why not me?!"
Hiccup's face frowned as he put a hand to his forehead trying release some tension. "I don't want to talk about it Merida, I'm done fighting." He began to walk away towards the castle.
Merida was not finished yet "I'm not done talking about this Hiccup. Turn around and answer me."
He continued walking away, and Merida on instinct held out her bow and picked up an arrow from her quiver. She pulled the arrow back on the bow and released it. The arrow spiraled and caught the end of Hiccup's sleeve pinning his arm to a tree. He stopped in his tracks with surprise.
"Did you just shoot me?!" He yelled.
"I shot your sleeve nothing hit you." She said moving her way to face him. "And you wouldn't tell me."
"So you shot me to a tree! What if you missed?! I'm already missing a leg Merida I don't want a missing hand either!" Hiccup yelled.
"I'm sorry but I need to know why you won't let me join you!"
"Because you're too important to me!" Hiccup retorted. "I've already lost my dad and he was the strongest Viking I knew, I can't lose you too."
Merida's insides twisted with guilt, she hadn't thought about Hiccup's feelings about the situation. He had lost his father a year ago, she understood now.
She reached for the arrow and pulled it out of the tree trunk. "I'm sorry, I didn't think of that... I know your father is important to you but Hiccup if we are to rule together I have to fight with you. Berk won't respect me as a ruler if I don't fight for them."
"They will because I respect you." Hiccup replied calmly.
"Hiccup, I'm going to have to lead armies in Scotland, you can't protect me from that..."
"But I can protect you from this. Dagur is dangerous, he will do anything to get what he wants."
"So will rivals of Scotland, Hiccup I don't want to be the wife waiting for her husband to return from war. I want to be the queen who fights along side you." She said.
Hiccup smiled, "You never were for tradition were you?"
"Of course that's why I chose you as my betrothed." Merida stated.
"Can we agree to this then. You will fight along side me, but not until your trained on a dragon. Dragons are our advantage and you need to learn how to ride before you go into battle. Deal?"
"Deal." She replied. "Hiccup I know this is hard for you but I need to do this, for our two kingdoms and for myself." She embraced him.
"I know, doesn't make me any less worried." He said.
"I know," she said.
"At least I know you can aim." Hiccup said trying to lighten the mood.
"I'm sorry for shooting you to a tree, I promise I won't do it again." Merida said.
"Good, and I promise to try to express my concerns in a better way." Hiccup said
"I love you Hiccup," she said
He smiled, "I love you too."
Authors note: Thank you for the request! It started out funny but it kind of got serious lol hope you all liked it! Please comment vote and request! Oh also check out my new story Rapunzel's New Dream here is the link to the latest chapter: