Monster Hunter

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Merida could hear the sound of the monster breathing from below. She had placed herself in a high tree branch for better visuals. She looked down below to the creatures dark body built like a lizard but fifty times bigger. It's bat like wings clung to it's side as it moved on all fours. She had been told this beast was able to burn 20 miles of farmland with just one fiery breath. Merida clutched her bow in her hand making sure not to make any sudden movements. She carefully took an arrow from her quiver with the other hand. She loaded her bow like she had done a thousand times. She would have to aim for the head since the beast's body was covered with a saddle of some sort. Strange, she had never seen a monster with a saddle. She paused for a moment wondering how a saddle could ever get on a dragon. Who would be so reckless and brave to try attaching a saddle to the most deadliest monster of her knowledge?

"Excuse me, but do you mind not aiming your bow at my dragon," a voice from behind her said.

It startled her, she lost her balance and began wavering , she felt the strangers hand try to grab her arm to keep her steady but she slipped through his grip. She felt herself falling into the air, the fear burst from her through a scream as she awaited her doom.

"Catch her Toothless!" Hiccup yelled for his dragon, the dragon jumped and caught her foot in his mouth.

Merida screamed thinking the beast was going to bite her foot off, but she heard no crunching, the dragon spat out her foot from his mouth and she tumbled to the ground. Merida looked up to see the beast barely two feet away. She grabbed for her arrow but the beast snarled at her and slashed it away with one stroke of his paw. Hiccup jumped in between the two before anything more could continue.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said.

"Get out of the way he's going to.."

"What? Eat me? I highly doubt it, he prefers fish anyway, and by the way he spat out your boot I don't think he's looking to change his diet anytime soon,"

She looked up in shock as the man went to the dragon and patted him as if he were some pet. The dragon growls became muffled, but it didn't release his hateful gaze to Merida.

"Now, I'm going to ask one more time, why were you trying to shoot my dragon?"

"Your dragon?" she asked, "You own a dragon?"

"Well I wouldn't exactly say own, we're more of friendly partnership,"

"Friend's with a dragon? But he's a monster he could eat you in one bite," she said

"Again, he prefers fish," Hiccup looked at Toothless "Do people just not listen anymore?"

"Listen, my name is Merida. I was paid to kill a black dragon that has been pillaging local villages. That's my job, I hunt monsters."

"You kill animals, is what you're saying," Hiccup replied,

Merida scoffed "Not all the time, just extremely dangerous ones. The others I capture and transport them somewhere else. I was told dragons were the most dangerous beasts in this land."

"Well you have the wrong piece of land. This is Berk and here dragons are over half the population. We don't kill dragons, we train them,"

"Well I came from a land where everyday they would be bombarded by purple dragon fire from a dragon with scales like the night sky. So I think we have a conflict of interest."

"Wait what land is this?"

"Niflheim Bay, a few miles away. It took me nearly a week just to track you down to this island due to the fog. I had to sail out every day in a different direction until I got passed it and waited for your dragon to fly overhead,"

"uh this bay doesn't happen to have I don't know an abundance of blue oleanders does it?"

"I mean I'm not sure but I may have seen some growing around there."

"Oh no bud, I think this is our fault." Hiccup stated, Toothless rolled his eyes and laid on the ground next to him.

"You see dragons are allergic to blue oleanders. Hiccup's been cough blasting whenever we go through that fog. We've tried avoiding it but it's kind of hard when it stretches for miles. We've even tried going above it but the altitude levels were getting too high for me. We didn't realize there was a village there. We couldn't see it because of the fog...Oh my god has anyone been hurt?" he panicked, he began pacing around thinking of all the people his dragon could''ve accidentally murdered.

"Relax no one has been hurt yet but you did destroy a few hill sides," she reasoned. "You'll just tell my village what happens,"

"Oh no we can't go there, they'll kill Toothless,"

"Listen, I have never been able to not find a monster, I have a reputation up uphold, so you're coming with me."

Hiccup laughed, "You and what army?"

"Do you really want to declare war due to your mistake? And you said it yourself, you can avoid the fog so what are you going to do when you have to pass through it again? Let there be a casualty?"

Hiccup sighed "Alright fine you're right we'll fly there tonight,"

"Oh no you're coming with me on my ship, flying in on a dragon? You'll cause a riot,"

"Fine but if we feel threatened we are out of there,"

She stuck her hand out towards him, "You have my word no harm will come towards you and your dragon,"

Authors note: There will be a part 2!

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