Bewitched Part 4

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There they were standing in the middle of a desert in the middle of nowhere with Toothless rolling in the sand.

"I thought you said she lived in a cove." Hiccup remarked.

Merida rolled her glowing cat eyes "No I said coven. It's deserted now but this place used to be the homes to many witches. I remember it a bit when I was young. My parents took me here for my training wand initiation when I was five."

"Your parents were they..."

"Witches? Just my mom, she could command people just by looking at them. My brothers and I were the only ones immune to it. My father was a giant... Literally." She replied.

"A giant? You're not even that tall though and neither are your brothers."

"My father stood ten foot tall, and my mother was about five foot seven, his mother was an elf and his father was a giant you can imagine our family reunions." Merida said.

"You're not going to tell me your part troll are you?" Hiccup asked.

"Oh gods no! Just elf witch giant and a little bit of sea nymph on my mother's side." She said. "Now enough talking we need to see my teacher to fix all this."

Merida pounced on the ground and began to draw a symbol in the sand. It was in the shape of a bear and a horse side by side. Hiccup gave her the fake eye and she placed it in on the head of the bear drawing.

The tracing began to glow a neon green color along with the eye. There came a rumbling from the ground. Sand began to tremble as a roof peaked from the ground until finally an exact replica of Merida's hut was there standing before them.

"I see you two have the same decorator." Hiccup said.

"Knock on the door please." Merida said.

Hiccup was about to knock but the door swung open swiftly before he had the chance. Our stepped a little old lady. Her hair was white and a little wild. Her eyes big and dark brown and her nose seemed a little larger than the rest of her face. She looked like a mad woman but also a bit of a kind little old lady.

The old witch looked down at Merida in her cat form and shook her head.

"Well missy you've gotten yourself into some trouble haven't you?"

"You're the one who told me to let him in." Merida replied.

"True...but you know the rules no helping humans with magic even ones with dragons." She said glancing at Toothless who was basking in the sun light.

"I was dying in a dungeon, if Merida didn't help me I would've died. Please it's not her fault." Hiccup defended

"An outspoken lad, yet loyal the spirits know your type missy," the old witch said.

"Boo will you help me or not?" Merida asked beginning to get flustered with embarrassment and annoyance.

"I can't undo it. You have to." Boo said.

"What?! How? I have no magic!" Merida yelled.

"You've forgotten all your early lessons what is the one thing that can break any curse?"

"Oh I don't know that's why we came to find you!" Merida replied.

"It's love you ninny! That's what made you open the door to a human, befriend him and risk losing your powers. Really?! Were you this daft when I taught you? You used to speak of how you'd never ever go near a human so long as you lived and now you've given up your powers just so he could live and he's willing to go wherever you will go even leaving his own people unattended to help you. If that isn't love I don't know what is?!"

"Sorry to interject again but Astrid my second in command is a pretty good leader." Hiccup said.

Boo flicked her finger and a zap of electricity zinged at Hiccup's right ear.

"Ow!" Hiccup yelled in pain gripping his ear.

"You two are hopeless. If one of you doesn't  admit your feelings to the other, Merida will never return to herself now I'm going back to my woodcarvings don't ring again unless it's a real emergency." She said going back into her house.

The ground trembled once again sinking the hut back underground. Leaving just the fake eye behind in the sand.

"Well that went well." Hiccup said.

"I can't believe her love? Love? We can't be in love we've only known each other for a few months." Merida tried to reason.

"Yeah... That's ...not possible." Hiccup lied. A question he'd been wanting to ask since she saved him finally was spoken , "Why did you let me live?"

She looked away from him. "Because! I couldn't just let you die in that dungeon. Even if it did take away my powers."

"You could've, you chose not to, you chose to risk all your powers all your witch abilities for me a human, the same species that used to hunt witches. That means something Merida." He replied.

"What about you?! Going on this journey and leaving your whole village behind to help me be myself again." Merida argued.

"Don't try to change the subject. Your sacrifice was much greater than mine."

"No it wasn't! I do it again in a heartbeat!" She retorted.

"Why?" He insisted.

"Because I love you, you idiot!" Merida shouted.

Time almost seemed to stop as the words tumbled out of Merida's mouth. Blue light beamed through her knocking Hiccup off his feet as a rush of magic shot through the universe like an arrow cutting through a target. Hiccup looked up and saw Merida standing there in her witch form. Her wild curly hair bounced just as it used to her cheeks were flushed from magic and from the words she had spoken moments before.  Her anxiousness grew inside as she waited for Hiccup to respond making her levitate once again.

"Merida" Hiccup said.

"Who knew I just had to embarrass myself to get my powers back." Merida said trying to avoid Hiccup's gaze as she floated higher.

He walked closer to her, "Merida."

"I mean I don't know what she was talking about this love thing I think she had it mixed up with rashness or maybe just reckless thinking she is getting on you know 500 years will do that to a witch."

"Merida." He said sternly looking up at her. He gently took her wrist and pulled her back down to the ground so they were face to face.

"What?" She asked.

"I love you too." He said.

She couldn't help herself she kissed him out of relief and joy as he hugged her in his arms and kissed her back as if nothing else mattered. Finally they broke apart and smiled at each other still holding each other in an embrace.

"And if you don't believe me you can use that honesty potion on me again." He joked.

She chuckled "I don't think that will be necessary." She said. "I have all the answers I need."

Authors note: IT IS DONE!!!!!! I hoped you all liked it this is one of my favorites that I have ever written and I would've made this a full story if I had the time but I don't I barely can keep up with updates on the books I'm currently writing lol hoped you all enjoyed it! Vote comment and request!!!!

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