Plot: Merida accidently shoots Hiccup with an arrow and helps him
Setting: Scotland
Merida began shooting arrows as she rode on Angus. The wind in her hair, the smell of the forest, and a good grip on her bow was all she needed and desired. She then stopped Angus to give him a rest.
Hiccup cringed as he stepped on a twig. "Oh come on!" he muttered. hoping whatever was making that running noise didn't hear him.
Merida steadied her bow and shot towards the noise and heard a cry.
"Argh!" Hiccup yelled as he felt something small but sharp hit his arm. "REALLY! Is this Hiccup get's tortured day!"
Merida saw the young man yelling in pain. Great, she had shot someone, and not just someone a man. Her mother would be mortified.
"I'm sorry! I thought you were an animal!" she said.
"Do I look like an animal!" He said with pain.
"No but you're acting like one!" she shouted.
"Well excuse me that I forget my manners as an arrow sinks deep into my arm muscles!"
"You didn't have that much to begin with." She snorted. He glared. "Sorry here let me help."
Merida begins examining the young viking's arm. "Well you should count yourself lucky it doesn't look like it passed through any arteries and didn't do to much nerve damage."
"Yes I'm just so luck first I lose my dragon, then I lose my leg, and now I have an arrow sticking through my arm."
"How'd you lose your leg........wait did you say you have a dragon?" she exclaimed.
"I have an artificial leg that I lost somewhere around here because I fell off my dragon, he's a night fury and his name is toothless."
"Your life sounds so much more exciting than mine." She sighed. "Okay I'm going to pull this out of you on the count of three. one......two...." Merida yanked the arrow out.
"ARGH I thought you said on the count of three!" Hiccup shouted.
"Oh quit complaining. Here." She began to wrap his arm up with some frabric from her dress.
"Better?" she asked.
"Yeah....If having a hole in my arm is better." He said sarcastically
"Now come on let me help you find your leg what does it look like." Merida asked
"It's just metal just look for anything metal." He stated.
"Where do you come from?" she asked searching.
"Berk. It's a couple miles from here." He said.
"Oh yes I've learned about Berk in my lessons."
"Wow you have lessons about Berk? The only lessons we have our in dragon training, I'm in charge of it.." He said.
" your name Hiccup?"
"Yeah.. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third."
"Your the boy who was the first to ever train a dragon. You have like chapters about you in my history book!" she exclaimed.
"Wow really?" He said. "I mean I never really thought I would be put in a history book."
"You're the only thing I actually like to read in the history book. I mean the first person to ever train and ride a dragon! Do you even know how cool that is?"
"I guess not, I'm not really used to the attention."
"Well start, I mean why wouldn't people like you your smart, funny, kind of an ass sometimes but I still like you." she smiled. "And I've only just met you!"
"Thanks,I'm glad I'm admired." Hiccup smiled.
" Hey I think I found your leg, is this it?" Merida holding up a wacky invention.
"Yup that's the one!" he siad strapping it back on.
"What was that?" Merida asked.
"Relax that's Toothless. Toothless over here boy!" he shouted.
The Nightfury approached both the young adults and sniffed Merida. After his approval he gave her a lick.
"Yuck, you're an affectionate one aren't ya?" She said wiping the slime off her face.
"Sorry about that....hey do you want to ride him?"
"YES!!!!" she yelled.
Hiccup got on his dragon and helped Merida up.
"Alright ready Toothless go!" He said.
Toothless took off flying into the Scotland sky. Merida screamed with glee. SHe had never been up this high! It was amazing. She could touch the clouds!
"I don't think I caught your name." Hiccup yelled over the winds.
"Oh I'm Merida!" she shouted.
"Well it's nice to meet you Merida. Here where do you live?"
"Over there by the castle."
They quickly landed causing looks from the commoners in the street.
"We should do this again sometime, minus the arrow in the arm." Hiccup chuckled.
"I would like that and who knows maybe it will be your leg next" she laughed. "Thank you for taking me home."
"Princess Merida your mother the queen has been looking everywhere for you! Get in the castle this instint." Maudie yelled.
Hiccup's mouth dropped open. "Princess? You're the princess........of ..Scotland,"
"Yes? Is that a problem?" she smirked.
"No just, I can't believe I got shot by a princess........and yelled at one as well." He said blushing.
"Oh come on now that I'm a Princess you're not going to yell at me?" she pouted.
"I didn't say that, I'll still yell at you but at the end I'll add your majesty." He smirked.
"You're an ass." She stated.
"And you're a royal pain." He smirked. "Your Majesty."
"See you tomorrow?" She asked.
"Like I've got anything better to do."
She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek and ran towards the castle.
"What have I gotten myself into?" Hiccup smiled at his dragon and took off.
Author's note: Hello I did not expect this story to be this long, I hope that's okay. I'm still having writer's block with my ROTBTD fan fic sorry promise I'll update when I can think of something for now enjoy my Mericcup drabbles haha.