So I was requested to do a sequel for my prompt Thank you so here is the continuation! By the way the mask is the one Hiccup wears in the second movie. P.S all these traditions I made up and are not factual lol
"What the hell am I going to do Maudie?" Merida asked as she fell down on her mattress in frustration. Hiccup and her were to be married in a week and it was traditional that the couple present each other with a gift from their homelands at the rehearsal gathering.
"You could give him a kilt." Maudie said as she folded up the laundry.
Merida glared up at her "There is no way he'll be willing to wear a kilt,"
"I don't see what's wrong with it! It's from your homeland." Maudie said.
"I have to get him something better than that something he'll really like." Merida said.
"Why not a sword?" Maudie asked.
"He's not much of swordsman and if he was he could just make it himself. That's the problem he can make everything! Ugh why did I agree to this silly tradition?" Merida put her face into the pillow in frustration.
"Princess, why don't you just make something then! He'll love it knowing you made it yourself!"
"I can't make anything Maudie! You've seen my awful sewing." Merida said.
"Well you've watched Hiccup work in the blacksmith's what about making him a shield or something?"
"Maudie you're brilliant! I could make him an armor mask he's always complaining about he keeps getting wind burns while flying during the cold months of Berk." Merida said cheerfully.
"There you go Princess." Maudie said.
Merida ran down the hall to find Hiccup in the smithy as usual. He was covered in black smudges from the coal. He smiled as he saw Merida enter the smithy.
"Hey Merida." He said giving her a quick peck on the cheek and returning to his work.
"Hiccup I need to measure your face." She said.
Hiccup looked confused "what for?"
"Oh um Gobber wants to make your wedding helmet or something like that and he needs your measurements." Merida lied.
"Hm really? I thought I was just going to wear my old helmet, but all right." Hiccup said.
Merida got the measuring tape out and wrapped it around the crown of Hiccup's head.
"So did you and your mother get all the wedding plans figured out?" He asked
"Well yes but it's been tricky trying to combine your traditions with ours. I do like the part where you get to hand me a sword." She said as she wrote down the measurements.
"Yeah in Viking traditions the groom gives the bride his sword representing his protection all though I think you can protect yourself without the sword." He smiled.
"Well of course, still it's a nice gesture." She finished her measuring. "Thanks Hiccup."
"Hey can I get a hint about my engagement present?" Hiccup asked.
"No it wouldn't be a surprise." Merida replied. She looked at him curiously "Maybe I could give you a tiny hint if you give me one."
"Hm fine I made your gift." Hiccup said.
"And I'm making yours." Merida said.