"What do you mean let her go?" Stoick asked his son.
Hiccup had asked his father many times for this request. It had been almost a year since the incident with the medallion and Merida had worked in the stalls. She became very close with Hiccup and Astrid. Hiccup loved having her around as did Astrid, but both could see her getting restless. She was less responsive as usual. The sense of confinement was driving her insane and even though Hiccup wanted her to stay. He knew she wouldn't be happy.
"I think she has gone through her punishment long enough." Hiccup stated.
"It hasn't been even a year yet Hiccup! You're willing to risk your life and your people's life for some prisoner girl to be happy. Reminder that she's the one that hit you in the first place!"
"She's changed. We've gotten to know each other she trusts me."
"Hiccup she's a thief."
"She only does it to survive if we give her basic needs then she won't steal I will give you my word." Hiccup said sternly.
"Fine she's allowed to walk the grounds."
"Thank you."
"Only if Astrid supervises."
"Why Astrid?" Hiccup asked.
"Because she won't get clouded judgement from a pair of pretty blue eyes." He replied.
"I don't know what your talking about but I'm feeling uncomfortable so I'm going to just ya thanks again." Hiccup stumbled with words as he walked back to Merida's cell.
Merida was lying there looking at the ceiling. Bored out of her mind. Hiccup stepped in her cell and sat on a little stool.
"Guess who got you the privilege of walking around the grounds." Hiccup said.
"Really?!" Merida perked up immediately.
"Yep except there is a catch" Hiccup said.
"What is that?" Merida asked.
"You have to be chaperoned by Astrid at all times."
"Great I get to have a babysitter. Still better than being stuck in this place. Can we go now!?" She asked excitedly.
"Noooo Astrid isn't back from her flight. When she comes back then you can."
"Ugggggh why can't you just chaperone me."
Hiccup didn't want to tell her what his father had told him. Instead he just shrugged and said "because Astrid's dragon is a tracking type so if you run away she can find you."
"Oh come on Toothless could find me if I ran off. Not saying that I will. I won't just please I can't take this cell anymore Hiccup."
Hiccup huffed. His head was screaming at him to wait for Astrid but what could go wrong?
"Fine but we have to be sneaky about it." He said "and please just don't do anything that will make me regret this."
"I won't thank you thank you thank you!" She said hugging him, realizing what she was doing she apologized and released him.
"Uh so lets go." She said blushing as she walked out the cell.
They both walked out, but due to precautions Merida had to wear a shackle on her wrist to show she was indeed a prisoner. They walked into the dragon stalls as they would usually for her work.
Instead they slipped out the back door near the forests. With Toothless of course.
Once they were in the forest Merida stretched her arms out with glee. Her eyes were as bright as the sky. She did a cartwheel on the grass just to show how happy she was she began running around.