I guess you could say Merida DunBroch was popular. Oh who are we kidding she was extremely popular. She was the star of the soccer team, she grew up with Ian MacIntosh, Rapunzel Corona, and Ronnie Dingwall. The most popular kids in school.
And he was just Hiccup Haddock. The boy no one really noticed. The guy who you would copy homework off of but usually not speak to him again.
Yep that was his life. He did have one best friend besides his dog Toothless. His best friend Jack was always a great friend. Jack was definitely less invisible then he was. Mostly due to his bright white hair he dyed last summer, but he was also pretty charismatic. He always wonder what he saw in me. He always expected he would leave me someday to hang out with his other friends but he never did. He always was his first choice.
Now he just wished Merida felt that way about him. Although he didn't really do anything to get her to notice him.
"Hiccup all you have to do is impress her!" Jack said.
"How do I do that?" Hiccup asked
"I don't know what does she like?"
"All the stuff I can't do." Hiccup replied.
"Oh I'm sure there's something...."
"Soccer, archery, surfing, and boxing." Hiccup stated
"Yikes you really no how to pick em,"
Bell rings
"Yeah and now I get to be unseen by her all through study hall." Hiccup said.
Merida looked around the class. 'That's weird' she thought. He's not here today. Hiccup Haddock had become a new interest to her. She started noticing him in the beginning of the year. He always looked concentrated during study hall but his eyes looked like he was trying avoid someone's gaze.
"What does he do all study hall." She wondered. "She knew for a fact he didn't do homework because he never took out notes or even a text book. He just took out this little black book and started moving his pencil.
Maybe he's a writer or something. He could be in creative writing she once thought, but she walked pass the only period for creative writing and he wasn't there.
She didn't know why she was so intent on finding out what he was doing during that study hall class or why she didn't just walk over to see.(Actually she had but he was always covering the book with his upper body.) today she was finally just going to ask.
"Mr. Haddock you're late." The teacher said
"Sorry I forgot uh something. But I have it now." He said.
"Alright class go on and study."
That didn't really happen in study hall. Sure kids would actually do homework in the class but most of them just talked about school and life.
She turned to see him sitting behind her. She finally decided to ask him.
"What do you do?" She asked.
He slowly lift his head up turning around to see if she was talking to someone else.
"Yes I'm talking to you I'm curious what do you do in that little black book of yours?" She said
"Oh......I.....uh sketch." He said trying to remain calm.
"Really?! What to do you draw?"
"Almost anything." He said.
"Can I see?" She asked.
He thought about his sketchbook and about how many pages contained ink interpretation of her hair. 'Although he had taken out some of the pages of rough drafts. no still too risky. Well you have your one from last year. And you didn't have Merida in study hall so there shouldn't be drawings of her in there.