Her name was Merida. She was the Princess of Scotland, Best archer in the world, Protector of wisps and the love of my life.
We met when we were young in the forest. I enjoyed her spirit and her adventurous attitude. We used to go troll hunting when we were children.
"Hiccup! We need to look in the cove! Trolls are known for hiding out it low dark places."
"I can't see anything Merida!" I replied.
"Oh come on. Just feel around." Merida said.
"Aww great I stepped in the water and got my boots wrecked." Hiccup said
"Oh stop complaining Hiccup where's your sense of adventure?"
As we grew older we fell in love. She became my best friend and my secret girlfriend. Our parents could never find out since our clans were at war with each other. I didn't care and neither did she. I loved her and she loved me that's all that mattered.
"I love you Merida."
"I love you too but there's no way we can be together. With our families?!"
"I don't care, I'd rather have you a little and in secret then not at all." I said.
"We could get caught."
"Where's your sense of adventure Mer?" I replied.
We should've been more careful though, we should've left before things got really bad but we didn't we were both to stubborn to leave and we knew if we did they would just follow us or worst accuse the other side of capturing one of us.
Things started getting difficult when the scot soldiers had killed me and my father's dearest friend Gobber.
I was deeply upset but I knew it wasn't her fault. I knew my father wouldn't stop this war. Not now, not after they killed his friend. He promised to avenge Gobber somehow as did my friends. .
I told Merida we had to run away soon. She agreed and we planned to leave in two days time on Toothless somewhere far way from Scotland and Berk.
The night had come and I had everything packed and ready to go. The village had gone out on a raid to gather more weapons and food. So they shouldn't be back to find me.
I waited in our spot out in the forest.......but she never came.
I woke up in the forest with Toothless and it was morning. She had not come. I went back to my village feeling confused and anxious.
"Hiccup! You're alive!" Astrid said hugging me. "We couldn't find you we thought the Scots had taken you!"
"Well they haven't." I said.
"Have you heard the news?"
"What news?" I asked.
"The Scot Princess has gone missing the Scots sent us a letter begging for their daughter back but the only problem is we don't have her."
"Missing.... Oh no! I have to go back."
"Go back where?" Astrid asked.
"To the forest she could be hurt!"
"Why do you care? She's the enemy!"
"Because I love her!" Hiccup said.
"Hiccup what are you talking about."
"Astrid you're one of my greatest friends but I cant go through the details now but once I find her I'll tell you everything I promise." I said,
I raced off on Toothless in the sky looking for her.
Passing through trees until I saw her flaming hair. Like a little fire guiding me.
I flew down and ran towards her. She was lying down.
I turned her over and she had claw marks all over her a deep gash was in her side:
"Merida! Merida come on you have to get up."
"Hic- Hiccup?" She whispered her eyes fluttering open.
"It's me Mer it's going to be okay."
"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled climbing off of Stormfly
"Stay back Astrid!"
"Hiccup we have to get her back I don't know what's going on but you seem to care for her and she needs medical help." Astrid said
"There was a bear....." Merida tried to say.
"It's alright Mer we're going to get you all fixed up.
"Hiccup, it's my time to go, I can feel myself leaving."
"No no stay with me Mer, stay with me."
"Live your life, you need to live to stop this stupid war. Write to my father and tell him there's a letter on my dresser that explains everything. I love you so much and I'm glad you're the last thing I see before I go." She said.
"Merida please, don't go."
"Take care of him." She looked over at Astrid
"Goodbye Hiccup, I'll always be with you." She said and finally her blue eyes closed for the last time.
"No!!!" I yelled and cried holding her body in my arms.
Astrid held me and tried to comfort me the best that she could. But I couldn't be comforted. Merida was gone. So was I.
I wrote to her father about the letter and. I informed him that we were going to run away but she never showed because she was attacked by a bear.
He did not believe me. Hell of I were him I wouldn't either. So I told him everything I knew about her from childhood things to the way she smiled.
He finally believed me. It took about a year of sending letters back and forth but he finally believed me. It took much more convincing for my father. He couldn't believe that I was in love with the girl who's soldiers killed our family friend. He agreed on a peace treaty but he never fully forgave the Scots.
Now I am the chief of Berk and Merida's brother Hamish now rules Scotland.
We are on good terms and he allows me to visit.
Before I leave Scotland I always go to her resting place.
Her name was Merida, Princess of Scotland, best archer in the land, Protector of Wisps and still after 10 years the love of my life.
Authors note: so I did my REALLY REALLY SAD ONE. Hoped it tugged on your heart strings send me ideas and I'll write a Mericcup Drabble or at least try my best to write a Mericcup Drabble based on the idea!!