AU where Hiccup s the royal stable boy to the royal family and how he and Merida have a relationship but have to keep it a secret.
Thanks to my cousin giving me this AU idea!
Well she didn't mean to meet him in that way ....or anyway at all for that matter but she did.
Her mother had just burned her bow, the most treasured thing she had and her mother destroyed it.
She ran out close to tears towards the stables to find Angus so she could get far away from here but the horse wasn't there.
She finally just sat down in the hay and cried. Until a voice interrupted her.
"Uh your highness, are you alright?"
She looked up to see a stable boy who was about her age. With shaggy brown hair and freckles dashed across his nose.
Merida became very embarrassed, here she is crying her eyes out, something she would never do in front of anyone and now the help had seen her in this predicament.
"Yes I'm fine." She said.
"Are you sure because I'm no expert but usually when you're crying you're not okay."
"Listen I just need to be alone."
"Fine go ahead, you get a whole castle to cry around in but no you choose my stable and kick me out."
"Don't mock me! You have no idea what I've been through!" She yelled.
"Oh but I see even the help go to the Highland I don't know why you're crying because from what I saw you just crushed everyone at archery." He said
"It's not mother she burned my bow that my father had given me when I was young."
"Oh.....well I can sorta understand why you would be sad." He said scratching his head. "Couldn't you just get another one?"
"It's not the same my father made it for me! It was sentimental and it was the only thing that made me feel happy and now it's gone....." She began to sob not caring what the stable boy thought.
"Hey.....okay I'm sorry I kinda made fun of you.....listen you're dad could make you a new one or if you want I dabble in smithery and woodwork I could make you a new one." He said awkwardly patting her back not sure if she was going to yell at him again or just cry.
She looked up "you would really do that? For a spoiled princess you barely know?"
"Hey you're not that spoiled with you're mom making you marry someone you don't even know." He said
"Thank're kind of nice when you're not being a donkey."
"What's you're name?" She asked.
"Hiccup. I know weird but hey not the worst name I have heard." He smiled.
"Merida." She said shaking his hand
"I know."
And unexpectedly the two became great friends.
"Hiccup!!! Can you ride with me today?" She asked the boy who was busy sketching.
"Sure why not? Not like I'm working on a future masterpiece...."
"Are you coming or not?" She asked hearing this speech before.
"Coming." He said setting up the saddles on the horses.
They had been good friends for about two months now. Merida's mother apologized for everything and was able to recover the bow. She promised Merida that she wouldn't have to choose one of the lords until she was 18.
The two found out they had a lot in common. Both enjoyed their horses Angus and Toothless, cloud watching, and especially arguing.
"Hiccup race ya!" She yelled and took off on Angus.
"No fair you got a head start!" He shouted as his black stallion Toothless galloped.
"Don't be such a complainer!" Merida turned but Hiccup was not there.
"WHOO HOO!" He shouted coming out of a path cutting her off.
"No fair!"
"Merida don't be such a complainer!" He mimicked her Scottish accent.
Giving their horses a break they stopped by a river bank.
"So how does it feel to be beat by a skinny stable boy princess?"
"Shut up. You found a lucky shortcut. That's cheating."
"Uh huh and getting a head start isn't?" He raised his eye brows.
She stuck her tongue out.
They laughed until all of a sudden
Usually Merida wouldn't mind this but snorting in front of him made her cheeks go pink.
"Did you just..." He smiled
"What no I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You did! You snorted." His grin grew wider.
"Shut up!" She said becoming angry.
"Relax it's cute." He said smiling until realizing what he said, he turned away so she couldn't see his cheeks grow warm.
Merida smirked. She had gotten the upper hand. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
"You're cute when you get flustered." She laughed.
His eyes wide with surprise.
"Wait so you?" He asked "actually like me " he pointed to himself.
"No I just kiss guys I totally hate on the cheek." She said dryly
"Well that would make things way more easier."
"Why?" She asked feeling a little hurt.
"Because I really like you too." He stated staring up at the sky.
"How's that a problem?"
"Because you're a princess I'm a stableboy. Our paths shouldn't really cross."
Merida turned Hiccup's head so he was facing her "I don't care if you're a prince, a stableboy, or even a butler.....I like you that's all that matters." She said.
He leaned in and kissed her softly. Tucking a few hairs behind her ear.
A thought popped into his head causing him to pull back.
"Wait there is no way you're parents will be okay with this."
"Well we can keep it hush hush for a little while. What they don't know won't kill them." She said
The next few weeks were a little tricky.
Hiccup would wait till late and climb up the tree that was played outside Merida's window and would tap on it.
She would rush out in the middle of the night and hug him tightly. Where they would later go for horse rides, talk, and yes kiss.
If Merida and her mother wanted to go out for a ride. Merida would have to behave like Hiccup was just an acquaintance. That was the hardest part for both of them not being able to be themselves around each other.
They both had to control wanting to just jump in the others arms in public.
But it was worth it for the private moments.
Him telling her his dreams of building machines and castles.
Her telling him about how she wants to travel to far off places.
Then was the day they got caught.
Their private meetings had been going on for about two months.
It was noon and they were in the stable thinking no one would be in today because the local fair was in town.
"Why do you like me?" She asked as she snuggled into his arms.
"You're funny, pretty, a bit stubborn but that's okay I've learned to live with that." He joked.
"Oh like you're not stubborn?"
"I never said I wasn't." He replied.
"Well you are but I guess I can live with that."
"Merida! What are you doing!"
"Mum!!!" Merida yelled shocked with fear. She stood up quickly out of Hiccup's arms.
Hiccup was equally scared they had been caught. He stood up and did a quick bow to the queen. 'Please don't kill me or make me never see her again.' He thought in his head.
"I want answers now!" The queen said sternly.
"Mum I'm sorry we didn't tell you but I was so scared that you wouldn't let me see him because of his status and I just-" Merida couldn't find the right words. "Mum I love him, I really do please let me be with him." She begged.
"It's true you're majesty. I love her too." He said taking Merida's hand.
The queen looked at them for a minute.
"Do you really?" She asked her daughter.
"Yes." Merida said close to tears.
"Then fine you may continue seeing the sta- what is you're name sir?"
"Oh god, well alright none the less, you may continue seeing Hiccup. But no funny business if you two are serious then you better behave like respectful adults." She stated.
"Oh thank you mother." Merida hugged her mother.
"It's alright dear, now I'm going to leave and Merida you better be at my side in ten minutes."
"Yes mam."
Queen Elinor walked out of the stables where her husband was waiting.
"Well they sure seem happy." He pointed to Hiccup lifting up Merida and spinning her into a hug.
"Ay they do....." She smiled
"Did you tell them we've known for a month and a half." He grinned.
"Of course not."
"I don't know who they were fooling you walk in a room with both of them you can feel the raging hormones." Fergus joked as Elinor chuckled.
"He seems like a good lad." She said.
"Different but good."
Authors note: Yay long chapter!! Merry christmas everyone! Since it is the holidays I will be uploading at least one chapter of all my three stories!!! Hope you all have a great day!