Setting: Merida's castle
Plot: Hiccup is at a ball being held Merida's castle.
Hiccup looks around the room where he sees everyone dancing and sees strangers. He turns and sees Merida still sitting on the bench with him chattering away.
"You know you don't have to stay here, I won't mind if you wanna go out and dance, I'll be fine here." He said to the redhead.
"That's great to know Hiccup but you should know I don't mind sitting here I actually have fun sitting here talking to you." She replied.
"Oh come on you want to dance I can see it." He said.
"Fine ask me to dance then." She said.
"What?! Me dancing, no I don't dance." He replied.
At the moment Lord MacIntosh approached the bench.
"Viking, Princess." He said. "I was wondering if you Princess, would like to dance with me.
"Sorry MacIntosh, but I was just asking the princess if she would like to dance and she has agreed." Hiccup said quickly pulling Merida out onto the dance floor.
"Now what was that?" Merida chuckled as they began to dance.
"It was me changing my mind."
"Oh come on you just didn't want me dancing with anyone else."
"I just didn't want you dancing with him." Hiccup stated.
"Oh and who would you be okay with me dancing with just so I know next time." She joked.
"I don't know your parents, your brothers, maybe even Maudie...."
"Hiccup you're so jealous just stop."
"I am not."
"Hmm fine then maybe the next dance I'll dance with MacIntosh." She smirked.
"Okay fine I was a little jealous."
"Well let's just make sure everyone knows who I'm going to be dancing with tonight."
Before Hiccup could even speak she kissed him softly on the lips for about 5 seconds but it was enough to make them both smile.
"See now there's no confusion." Merida smiled.
The song stopped and Merida let go and was about to head back to their bench when Hiccup grabbed her hand and pulled her softly back to him. The next song played and they began to dance again.
"And you said you couldn't dance." Merida smirked.
"Nope, I said I don't dance, but for you I'll make an exception."
Authors note: I really liked making this story I just found it so adorable when I was done. I hoped you all liked it!