Radio Repair

639 36 16

Author's note: saw this prompt on tumblr and I thought it would be cute for mericcup!

Merida frowned at her little clock radio. The blue box that usually told time was now blinking the same four numbers over and over again, 12:43. The plastic mask protecting these dysfunctional numbers was now cracked with a zig zag crease in the corner. It was the dog's fault for knocking it over, the big Great Dane had totally demolished it after the boys played tug-o-war in her room with the beast.

She sighed in annoyance knowing she would have to get it fixed or at least get a new one. She drives to the RadioShack hoping people here still know how to fix clock radios and haven't been completely taken over by the iPhones and Androids to tell time.

She walked into the electronic store and saw the customer service waiting line. The line was surprisingly short, possibly because it was a week day and it wasn't even lunch yet. She walked towards the counter until she saw the employee sitting behind the desk.

His green eyes stared out into space making him seem like he was somewhere else. His employee name tag read Hiccup. An odd name although she had seen another employee with the name Fishlegs.

She walked over to the counter the man was snapped out of his day dream by the noise of her radio clock being placed on the counter.

He got up immediately and she realized how tall he was. He was at least a good four inches taller. He greeted her with a smile looking actually happy to see a new customer.

"Hi.. I brought this to be fixed I was wondering if you could help." She said.

"Of course that's what I'm here for." He replied.

He took the clock radio in his hands carefully examining it. "Well it looks like this little guy has had a rough day. It should be fixed by tomorrow. Just come by around the same time and it should be good as new, although I think the scratch will have to stay."

"That's fine as long as it's fixed. Thank you." She replied.

He gave her a form to fill out her order signing her signature at the bottom. She handed the paper back to him.

"Alright Merida," he said looking down at the paper. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You will thanks again." She replied. She walked away from the story and she couldn't believe it but she was anxious to come back.

Merida laid in her bed staring at her blank ceiling, wishing her mind could be the same. She couldn't get that guy from RadioShack. Merida had to admit he was attractive but this was ridiculous. She had talked to him for five minutes and she couldn't wait to go back! Merida groaned with frustration as she tried to make herself more comfortable to sleep.

Merida woke up to the sound of her brothers arguing. She got up from her warm bed and stalked into the living room where she saw their old grandfather clock that chimed as its face read eleven o clock. She was already running late. She rushed to the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth. Her hair was a mess but their was no time to take a shower. So she simply wore her hair in a half up, half down style to make her look more presentable. She ignored the reason why she wanted to look presentable.

Finally she was ready to go and drove to the store once again. She saw him at the counter again with her little blue clock radio. He smiled when he saw her walk in.

"Hey I got it working!" He replied cheerfully as he grabbed an extension chord.

He plugged the clock in and the numbers were now set to the appropriate time 11:34 am.

"Thank god I slept in pretty late without this thing." Merida said.

"Well not to worry your clock radio is now ready for your next wake up call." He said unplugging it.

She took the clock in her hands and realized this was it. Now she would go home with her repaired radio and most likely not see Hiccup again.

"Uhh really thank you again." She said.

"No problem anytime you need something repaired I'm your guy." He said.

Merida slightly sighed wishing the last part of that sentence was real for a moment. She snapped out of it once she realized she had been standing there a little long.

"I'll make sure to look for you especially." She finally said her feet forcing her to leave the store before she could embarrass herself even more.

When she went to sleep that night her mind had repeated the conversation over and over like a short scene on a continuous loop.

"Crap." She muttered getting up from her bed. She began looking for electronics around her room. She couldn't come back with the same radio that would be too obvious. She saw her large stereo but she couldn't bring herself to wreck it. Maybe her phone?

'Does RadioShack even fix phones?' She thought.

She looked under her bed hoping to something. When she finally saw the perfect thing! Her old walkman! (A walk man is a portable CD player/tape player just in case anyone didn't know)

She couldn't just throw it, her parents were asleep and she couldn't even drop it due to the carpeted floor.

She snuck into the hallway and into the kitchen. In the far right drawer her father kept a screwdriver handy. Merida took it into her room and began to work. She slowly unscrewed the small little screw that held the Walkman's back opening but all she found were batteries no wires! She knew what she had to do... she would have to break the clock radio again instead.

She took it in her hand and carefully snuck out to the garage. She threw it to the other side of the garage making a big clang. She walked over to it and replugged. The numbers were stuck and there was now a crack on the lower corner. She sighed with relief and brought the radio back into her house and went to sleep.

Merida contemplates going to the electronic store the next day with the same broken radio. She was willing to wait till tomorrow to make it less suspicious. So when she walked in the man was surprised but happy to see her.

"You won't believe it my dog knocked over my nightstand again. Do you think you can help me out again?" She asked.

He chuckled at the sight of the radio "Man your dog must have strong issues with clock radios, I should be able to fix it, it has a little more damage than the last time so it could be ready..."

Merida jumped at the opportunity "why don't I give you my number and you can call me when it's ready?" She said.

The man smiled "Actually that would be great."

She found a receipt in her purse and scribbled her name and number on the back and handed it to him.

"I guess I'll see you soon." She said and walked away before there could be an awkward pause like before. But when she got to the doors she heard her phone ding.

She searched her purse and took out her phone. It was a number she didn't recognize.

Hi would like to go to lunch? I get off in 15 min

She looked back at the counter and he waved his phone. She quickly walked back to the counter.

"I hope I'm not being too forward." He said,

"Not at all, see you in fifteen minutes Hiccup." She smiled and walked away excited and relieved she wouldn't have to break another radio.

Authors note: a little cute Drabble for you guys! I hope you all liked it! Comment vote and request!

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