My Best Friend's Sister Part 2

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The events of Merida and Hiccup went on for about four months. Jack still didn't realize what was going on between the two. Merida and Hiccup were feeling guiltier every single day they didn't tell Jack. They hadn't meant for it to go on this long. They thought when the time came they would both tell him. But the fear of Jack being angry kept their mouths closed.

It became increasingly awkward when Jack was trying to set Hiccup up so he could get over Astrid, his ex girlfriend. The thing was Hiccup was very over Astrid. They weren't as close as before but were on good terms. He was with Merida and he was happy. Of course Jack didn't know that.

When Hiccup finally had enough of all these set up dates. He confessed to Jack he was already seeing someone but refused to tell him who it was. Which drove Jack crazy.

"You texting your mystery girl?" Jack teased as they waited in line at Target. It was Christmas time so Jack was off buying his gifts with Merida and Hiccup. He loved Christmas. He wasn't satisfied until he got the perfect gift for everyone he knew.

"I am not." Hiccup replied shoving his phone in his pocket.

Merida pretended to be looking at the magazines to avoid eye contact with either of the boys.

Jack placed his items on the conveyer belt. He had gotten Kristoff a new hat since Kristoff lost his old one on a camping trip a couple of months ago. New art supplies for Rapunzel. Eugene, wireless headphones, and one of the many gifts he had bought for his girlfriend Elsa was a snowflake necklace.

"Elsa's going to love this!" He said excitedly. "You think 6 presents is enough for her?"

"She gave you a two present limit after last year." Hiccup said.

Last year Jack had gone overboard and had gotten Elsa eight presents. A scarf, a journal, one mix cd, scented candles, ice skates, a karaoke machine, Starbucks gift card, and a huge chocolate Santa.

He spent 2 months worth of his paycheck on just her gifts. She had been incredibly flattered but she insisted that this year he was only to give her two presents that didn't cost him two months worth of a paycheck.

"She said two presents. So I bought two large gift bags. She never said what I could put into them." Jack smiled.

"She's going to kill you." Hiccup said.

"She'll be too happy to kill me." He replied. "Speaking of happy girlfriends are you going to get your secret girlfriend anything?"

"Yeah have you Hiccup?" Merida asked trying not to smile.

"No I have not, but I was thinking of something." He replied also trying to keep his own grin contained.

"When am I going to meet this girl? I'm beginning to think she isn't real. You haven't even told me her name." Jack said.

"We're just keeping it on the down low. Seeing how things will play out." He said.

"Whatever, I just want to know the girl who got my best friend over Astrid Hofferson."

Merida smiled to herself.

"When are you going to get serious though Hiccup? Is it like a fling? Is that why you don't want me to meet her?" Jack asked,

"No! It's nothing like that! Of course I want you to meet her! It's you already know her- I mean"

Merida eyes grew large as Hiccup became flustered.

"What?! Who is she? Who is she?! You have to tell me now!" Jack yelled with excitement knowing he had gotten more information.

"Hi guys." Rapunzel said coming up to the trio with her boyfriend Eugene. Luckily changing the conversation.

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