I used to be tall. I was always the tallest girl in my class or at least the second tallest. Even middle school I was at a decent height. Some boys and girls were taller than me but not by much and my best friend Hiccup was still short. I used to be able to rest my arm on his head. I called him my living arm rest. But I stopped because I knew how much he hated being shorter than me. Now we're in high school and everyone just grew. Jack's taller than me, Elsa's taller than me, Rapunzel's taller than me and Hiccup is now at my eye level.
I was still taller than him by an inch or two last semester so as long as he hasn't grown then I'm not the shortest of our group. I'm still waiting in line to recieve my freshman year schedule when I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see nothing but a green shirt, I look up and it's Hiccup. He must have grown three inches!
"Oh come on that's not fair!" I said.
"Hi Merida." He said smugly.
"God Hiccup what did you do?"
"I grew up." He laughed.
"No one who is normal grows three inches in one summer." I huffed crossing my arms.
"Well I did. Actually you look shorter than last year are you sure you're not shrinking?"
I punched him the arm. "Ouch, I'm glad you can't reach my face." He joked
"Now you're just being mean." I said.
"I'm just kidding around, you used to tease me about my height now the tables have turned."
"I didn't make fun of you that much." I replied.
"You called me your human armrest speaking of which my arm is getting a little tired. He put his arm and rested it on my shoulder."
"Hey. I did that in middle school and I remember stopping when you told me to so quit it." I said shaking his arm off.
"Fine I apologize and I won't refer to you as my human arm rest. You're next in line." He said.
I turned and handed in my papers and got my schedule.
1 Honors English
2 Geography
3 Biology
4 Creative Writing
5 Algebra 1
6 Soccer team JV (until tryouts)
"Merida!" I heard someone shout.
I turned around and saw my best friend Elsa.
"Hey Elsa how was camp?"
"Great!" She said giving me a big hug. "How was Scotland?"
"Fun as usual." I said.
"Let me see your schedule." She said.
She looked at my schedule and hers "We have Science and Math!" She said.
"Great you can tutor me in my worst subjects then." I joked.
"Have you seen Hiccup?"
"Yeah he grew like 3 inches." I replied.
"Yeah and people are starting to notice him. I just overheard some sophmore girls gushing over him. I thought they were going to need a bucket from the drool." She laughed.
"What Hiccup? He's just taller that's all."
"Really Merida? Come on you have to admit he's changed a little more than that."
"Yes he's become even more of a smart ass." I said.
"It is oso obvious you like him Mer!" Elsa exclaimed.