Plot: Merida and Hiccup are having an arguement(can't be too discriptive or it'll ruin the drabble :)
Modern AU
Scene: After school
Merida came racing up to her friend Hiccup in the parking lot.
'I can't believe he did this after all the hardwork I put in!' she thought.
For the past three weeks Merida tried convining Astrid, Hiccup's crush, that he was a great guy and she should give him a chance. Finally the moment Astrid starts to take an interest, Hiccup doesn't want to.
"What the hell did you do?!" Merida yelled at her friend.
"What?" Hiccup asked.
"You know what! I spent weeks trying to get Astrid to give you a chance and when she does you blow her off! Are you crazy!" she said
"Listen I didn't know she was actually going to like me, I just didn't want it when she did, I already apologized to her."
"No no, then why did I do this then, if you weren't even planning on going out with her anyway!" she said.
HIccup's eyes flashed with nervousness.
"Yup see, you know what I think I think you over thought the situation just like you always do t, god Hiccup for once in your life take what you want and don't think!" Merida shouted.
Hiccup went closer to her and grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. He didn't think he just did. Merida's eyes widened with shock, but slowly she fell into the kiss too.
As they parted Hiccup asked
"Well did I do what you asked or are you going to yell at me some more?"
" You are so lucky that you're cute and that I actually like you." she replied.
Author's note: yay quick drabble before I go to school!! Hoped you all liked it!