The Foot of the Family

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The doctor's office was a cold place today. They had tried to keep it warm with the heater but this December weather just wasn't cutting it. Snow had been falling for the whole entire month and it seemed like it never ceased to stop. Inside the hospital's waiting room was Hendry Haddock, but everyone called him Hiccup. He had gotten a call that his son Declan had gotten hypothermia from getting locked outside their home while retrieving the mail. The only person at home at the time was his toddler sister Astrid. Hiccup didnt get home until six. Usually Merida would be there during the day because she got off of work around 2 but she had gone to the store that day for dinner.

First Declan tried to walk over to the neighbors house for help but the neighbors weren't home. So he had to go back to his house and hope that maybe his four year old sister would open the door. He knocked and yelled and finally Astrid had came to the door. He told her to unlock it and she reached on her tip toes and unlocked the door. Declan ran inside but by then his socks were wet from trudging through the snow and his left foot had begun to turn blue and ache.

Merida had found Astrid crying in the living room screaming at her to help Declan. When Merida saw him he was shivering in pain in just his pajamas and new wool socks over his feet and a warm blanket. She called 911 and then called her mother to look after Astrid while she went to the hospital. She then called Hiccup.

He was so worried when he got the call from Merida crying. He drove straight to the hospital. Merida was still talking to the doctor by the time he got there.

Merida came out of the room and walked into the waiting room where Hiccup was.

"How is he?" He asked "is he going to be okay?"

"The doctor said he was lucky that Astrid was home and opened the door. Or else he could've died." She said still wiping the tears from her eyes.

"But he's going to be okay?"

"They had to remove his left foot Hiccup....they....they couldn't save it. Other than that he's alive." She said.

"His foot....." He said.

"I should've been home earlier watching him. I had to go to the store but I should've been there! What if Astrid had gone out with him too. Oh god." She cried into his shoulder.

"Hey it's not your fault. It's no one's fault okay? Astrid is safe with your mom and Declan is here alive." He said stroking her hair.

"Hiccup this can't keep happening I can't do this."

"Do what?"

"I can't keep having it be customary to watch my loved ones lose a foot in a life threatening accident!" She said.

"First my dad with the hunting trip then you with the car crash! Now him!!! Now I have to worry about my son! Now my son gets the family tradition of losing a limb! I can't take it anymore!" She weeped.

"Merida, I'm sorry that I had to lose a leg okay but remember I'm still here! Your dad is still here and our son is still here. Like you I was terrified about my son dying, like you I was terrified of me dying and leaving you and Declan behind! I'm sorry you had to go through this three times I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But please we have to keep it together." He said.

"Keep it together?! You want me to just keep it together after this happened! I almost lost my son today Hiccup. Our son. Our little boy because of some stupid freezing cold! And you want me to keep it together!" She whispered.

"No I expect us to accept what has happened and thank god we didn't lose more than just his foot. At least we still have him!" He said.

"I'm sorry you're right. But Hiccup you know how it feels to worry about losing someone it takes a toll and having to do it three times with three different loved ones......."

"Hey I promise we will do everything we can to protect our family alright? Yes he will be missing a foot but he is not alone. His dad and grandpa will teach him how to handle it and get used to it. He's a smart tough boy. He'll get through it. We all will."

She looked at him with tear swollen eyes. "Would you like to see him. He's sleeping." She asked.

"Yes I would." He said.

She walked him to the hospital room and saw him sleeping in his hospital bed. His skin looked a little pale but he probably looked much better than before.

He looked so peaceful. I was so happy so him alive and resting that I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"He's okay out boy's going to be okay." I told her.

"He is he's strong like his father," she said.

"And his mother."

Authors note: ooooh the angst!!! Hoped you liked it and thanks to @kingdomdance for requesting and by the way I am at a hotel for two days that has free wifi so I'm trying to update everything before I leave to go to my grandparents who have no wifi at all so I'll try and update everything but after that no updates till July 30th. So hoped you liked it and vote comment and request.

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