Hiccup and Merida had always been best friends. They did everything together. When Merida started karate so did Hiccup. When Hiccup started taking art class so did Merida. They did everything together that is until the homecoming dance.
It was homecoming weekend and Hiccup and Merida were going with a group of friends. It was their freshman year and they just wanted to see what homecoming would be like.
Then Merida just had to come out in that dress. That blue dress that reached right at her knees. That blue dress that hugged her just right. That blue dress that made Hiccup want to jump out of his skin.
Throughout the whole homecoming Hiccup couldn't stop looking at Merida. He probably looked like a total creep. But he couldn't stop looking at her. The more he looked the beautiful she got.
When Hiccup had walked her home to her door she kept asking him what was wrong.
"Hiccup you looked frustrated the whole time did you not have fun?" Merida asked.
"No it was fine. I just....it wasn't what I was expecting." He said
"Well okay, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yup." He said.
"Bye." She said opening her door.
"Bye." He said.
Weeks past and Hiccup continued to act strange around Merida. He would not like her in the eye, he would avoid direct one on one conversations. This continued on again for many more weeks. Hiccup had started to hang out with Heather more which caused Merida to feel.....well jealous and confused quite honestly.
"What have I done to make him hate me all of a sudden?" She asked her friend Astrid.
"Who knows?! Hiccup's just weird that way. You probably didn't do anything he's just being Hiccup."
"Astrid the boy hasn't looked me in the eye for over a month."
"That is true, okay think when did he start acting this way?"
"I don't know.....I guess after homecoming...." Merida glanced over at Hiccup.
But she couldn't see Hiccup, instead she saw a huddle of girls and guys too but mostly girls surrounding him.
"What the hell is going on?" She asked as her friend Rapunzel came to their table.
"Oh Heather told some people about Hiccup's really good at art and now all these girls want him to draw them and the guys just want to see why the girls are there." Rapunzel said poking at her tuna fish sandwich.
"Well I guess high school means you just blow off your best friend for some girls who wants a picture Merida said angrily. "Well two can play at this game. I'll just ignore him."
"Would you like me to tell him anything?" Astrid asked
"Yes tell him I'm not talking to him ever again." She said and stormed off.
"Woooah can she be any more jealous?" Rapunzel asked.
"Nope and she still hasn't got a clue." Astrid replied
"Seriously?! Come on he stares at her all the time ever since homecoming and she doesn't get it.....well they're bound to figure it sometime. I hope it's soon for Hiccup's sake."
Hiccup finally got away from the crowd. He'd never been one for tight spaces. He walked over with his lunch to Rapunzel and Astrid.
"Speaking of the devil," Rapunzel said.
"What? You guys were talking about me?" Hiccup asked sitting down.
"No but a certain redhead was." Astrid said.
"What? What did she say.?" Hiccup asked nervously.
"She says that she is never talking to you ever.......again." Astrid said.
"Great she thinks I'm a total jerk."
"That's because she thinks you're behaving like one when really you're just being a baby." Astrid said.
"Thanks Astrid you always know how to cheer me up."
"She's right. Just tell her how you feel and why you've been acting so weird." Rapunzel said.
"I can't! We've been friends for a long time and....."
"Hiccup." Astrid interrupted "it seems that you can no longer be friends with her because you can't look her in the eye so you might as well tell her and be happy you got it out in the open or continue acting weird and put her on this fake roller coaster of confusion and misery and lose everything you two ever had."
"Well she won't even talk to me now I don't even know where she went."
"Oh yes you do. Where does Merida go when she's pissed off?"
"Soccer field greeeeeeeeaaaat." Hiccup said.
"Now go get her tiger." Astrid cheered.
Hiccup went to the soccer field where Merida was sitting down in the middle if the vacant field. She always went here when she was angry during school because no one came here except for after school when soccer practice took it over.
Well here goes nothing He thought.
He slowly walked up to where she was sitting. She noticed his shadow but still didn't say anything. She just hoped it wasn't him. Even though she knew it was she wished for once it would be someone else.
"Hey Mer." Hiccup said.
Still nothing. She ignored him like he had been ignoring her for the last few weeks.
"Okay I know you're mad at me, I know I've acted like a really big jerk, but I have a really good well a decent....I have a reason lets just put it at that." Hiccup said.
She still didn't answer him even though her mind was curious to why he had shunned her for the period of time.
"Okay well here it goes.....remember homecoming? Well That's where it started. I saw you in in that blue dress and it just hit me like a ton of bricks! This is Merida and she is beautiful and she's you're best friend who you can never look at the same way again." He said.
"That's my problem Merida that's why I've been avoiding you and not making eye contact because if I do then you'll just do something that makes me smile or makes you be more attractive then you already are and I'll have to live with knowing you probably don't see me in that way."
"Dammit Hiccup why didn't you just tell me instead of acting like a complete arse!" She said hitting him in the arm.
"I'm sorry!"
"You made me think that you hated me for no reason for over a month Hiccup."
"I'm really sorry Merida. I promise I will never act like that again okay? I'll just I think I should go." He said.
"No?" He asked.
"No I want you to stay. We have a lot to talk about."
"Okay." He said adjusting his sitting position on the field.
"I like you too Hiccup. In that way. But I really didn't like how you just shut me out. So if this thing is going to work you can never do that again. Even if we break up and thugs don't work out I don't what you ever to shut me out like that again." She said.
"I promise Merida I will never do that to you this past month had been killing me. I wanted to talk to you I just...."
"Shhh it's alright now I forgive you now can we just pretend like the past few weeks never happened and you just asked me out after homecoming."
"I think I can live with that." Hiccup said.
Merida took a hold of his hand and didn't let go until they had to part for Biology and English
Authors note: thank you so much to @FlameEvoker for requesting!!! Please comment and vote!!!