"Today's the day!" Merida goddess of Summer said joyfully waiting for her companion at their usual forest.
Merida was waiting for the arrival of the god of Autumn Hiccup. Since they were different season they only saw each other one day out of the year when the seasons change from summer to autumn. She had grown very fond of the Autumn god. Even though they only had a short time with each other it was worth it for that one special day where the world became half Summer and half Autumn.
"Gods I hope he get here soon!"
"Who are you hoping gets here soon?" Hiccup said from behind her.
"Hiccup!!" She jumped with joy into the God's arms.
"Hi Merida, it good to see you too."
Merida kissed him softly and gave him a smile.
"I've missed you a lot." She said.
"I know how you feel. But hey we the whole day to catch up."
"So how is the God of winter?" Merida asked.
"Jack? He's alright being mischievous as usual. I wish you could meet him."
Merida had never met the God of Winter due to the fact she was summer so they never crossed paths as was the same for Hiccup with the goddess of Spring, Rapunzel.
"I wish I could meet him too. Who knows maybe the council will call us in and everyone can meet finally." She said.
"Yeah but the council hasn't called a meeting since we were born to spread the seasons." He replied.
"Well we can always hope Rapunzel really wants to meet you, it's all she talks about well except for Jack."
"Yup that's pretty much all Jack talks about too."
"Well how about we do something fun today." She said.
"Hmm I'm feeling an elements challenge coming on." Hiccup grinned.
"Your feelings are right." She said blasting him with wind.
"Hey!! We have to establish rules first." Hiccup said.
"We can do that during the battle." She said.
"Fine! He said as his winds flew Merida about.
"First rule no setting me on fire like last time."
"You're no fun. Fine but you can't make my feet stuck to the ground with mud."
"Deal first one to knock there opponent down after using 3 of their elements wins."
Now each god and goddess had control of three elements.
Hiccup: wind, water and earth but not fire.
Merida: Fire, air, and Earth but not water.
Merida made the ground grow hot under Hiccups feet. A part of his shoe caught a little flame. He put water on the flame
"Ouch ouch hot hot! I said no setting me on fire that includes my feet!" He said jumping.
"I didn't mean to it just slipped." She grinned.
"Oh like this." He said sending a wave under her feet causing her to fall over.
"Now that's what I call a slip." He said.
"Here let me dry you off." He added making his winds blow strong against her as she held on to a tree for support.
As she was gripping for dear life she concentrated on the ground beneath his feet and made the ground swallow him up until only his head was visible. Causing the winds to stop
"I win." She shouted.
"You never used wind." He replied.
"Fine." She said making her warm wind blow into his face.
"There now I won." She smiled.
"Fine fine you win, now get me out of here."
She concentrated and made the ground spit him out.
"How did you learn that trick?" He asked.
"Practice." She replied "so what do I get as the winner?"
"You get the gloating rights for beating me."
"That's nice but I'm looking for more."
"Fine."Hiccup said picking up a pebble. He crushed the pebble so hard it became a diamond he strung it through a long piece of thin grass and made a necklace.
"Ta da!" He said.
"Oh Hic it's amazing thank you." She said putting it on.
"Oh no it can't be time yet!" He said angrily as he saw the sun setting.
"I know Hiccup I don't want to go." She said holding his hand "but I have to."
"Where do you go?" He asked.
"Well everything around me fades away and I'm transported back to my home planet and I wait till it's time to return."
"Same thing happens to me. But try Mer try not to leave. Make yourself not go back."
"I'll try." She said.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." Merida replied "Hiccup I feel myself leaving."
"No no just stay with me listen to the sound of my voice. Just focus on the sound of my voice."
"I'm sorry Hiccup it's not working." She said sadly as her image began to fade..
Hiccup tried to grip her hand but it was too transparent,
"I'm so sorry Hiccup, goodbye,"
"No Merida no!" Hiccup shouted but she was gone. All that was left of her was a faint summer breeze.
"Goodbye." He said sadly as the leaves began to fall.
Authors note okay so I made kind of a sad one but I got this idea in my head and I thought it would be great for a Drabble hoped you all liked it and remember to comment vote and share!