Jewelry boxes and Janitor's closets

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"Jack it's not going to work." Elsa said

"Elsa of course it's going to work they love each other we just gotta give them a little push."

"Jack they hate each other."

"They do not."

"Jack she threw a jewelry box at him. A jewelry box there is no going back from that."

"I don't get it these two dated for two whole years! That's like forever in high school years."

"Is that how you feel with us Jack that it's been forever?." She looked skeptically at Jack.

"No but I hope it is forever." Jack said making puppy eyes

"Flattery will get you nowhere Jack I'm not helping you with this."

"Oh come on you've seen how terrible they are without each other."

"Jack they fought."

"So do we but all of us always end up making up."

"Jack she threw a jewelry box."

"Would you quit saying that."

"Jack I have to go to math and you have history I'll talk to you after school okay?" Elsa said

"Okay but you'll see it'll be just like freshman year again."

Elsa had noticed her friend's distress. Merida had been pretty upset over the break up. No one really remembers who broke up with whom. Everyone knew why they broke up though. Their constant bickering was usually lighthearted but one day it went sour. Merida got mad and started yelling and Hiccup said some hurtful things causing her to throw said jewelry box at his head. Luckily Hiccup knew how to duck. Ever since then the two haven't been seen together.

Merida was on edge though. Whenever Elsa talked to Merida she just answered everything in a bitter tone. While Hiccup just didn't seem to care; all he did was shrug all the time. One of the things that used to drive Merida mad.

After math was her free period. She had to wait for Jack since he got out after her.

She was walking down the halls when she heard something come from the janitor's closet. Like a whimper.

She opened it up and turned the light on. There in the closet was a mess of red flaming hair crying her eyes out. Merida never cried unless she was seriously injured or emotionally hurt. The only time she saw Merida cry was when her beloved horse Angus died.

"Merida? What happened?" Elsa said closing the door behind her and going to her friend.

"He just stared right through me. He hates me Elsa he hates me." She said trying to compose herself but failing.


"Yes Hiccup I ran into him in the hall and he just looked at me and kept walking like he barely noticed I was there. I know we had a break up and everything but Ive never seen him so cold and just uncaring." Merida cried into her friends shoulder.

"Hey I'm sure he doesn't hate you."

"Elsa I threw a jewelry box at him!"

"I know but he said some hurtful things and you got mad remember your both at fault."

"God this is pathetic who the hell cries like this over an uncaring look from their ex boyfriend."

"A person who has feelings and cares."

"God Elsa what am I going to do?"

"Well for now we can stay in here if you want. I just need to text Jack okay?"

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