Modern AU
Plot: Merida's playing her favorite video game at the arcade but someone beats her at her own game.
Setting: arcade
Merida listened to all the bells and whistles that came with the arcade. The pings of the pinball machine, the stomping of people on the dance machines, and the loud roar of her favorite game, Ultimate Fantasy fighter.
I had hustled so many kids from this game. Thought cause I was a girl I couldn't beat them well I showed them.
I went over to my game but saw a boy I had never seen here before playing on it.
"Great piece of cake." I said
I walked over and put my quarters in and chose my favorite character Demetri. He had muscle and my favorite perk he had a crossbow.
The boy picked Dragonater half dragon half man. Not a bad choice most boys I played always picked Terminator because he was the most masculine silly boys.
We started to play and I had to admit he was pretty good I had to step up my game. I still won the first round.
Second round apparently he upped his game. Before I knew he had beaten me in the second round.
I looked over at him shocked no one has beaten me in any round. I've never tied! He looked over and gave me a shy smile.
"You're pretty good, but you haven't seen all my tricks." I said.
"Oh I'm sure," he said "but you haven't seen all my tricks."
We turned back to the game.
Okay Merida show this boy no mercy. The game began I was able to shoot 5 arrows with my crossbow. He got a couple of good shots in. Then finally I used my secret move. I did my little cheat and my character set his bow on fire. What should of happened was that once he released the arrow it would hit the other player and make him explode.
That didn't happen. What did happen was the arrow shot off but he blocked it by blowing a purple blast causing it to blow up between us.
"What!" I yelled.
I have never seen Dragonater do that move! Before.I knew it he was doing a power up. He disappeared than reappeared behind my character. I tried and tried to get on the other side of him but it wasn't working. Then he shot me with the same power blast killing me instantly!
"Nooooo!" I shouted. "How did you do that!"
"A player never tells his secrets." He smiled.
"No! You don't understand I have never been beaten at this game! You have to tell me!" I pleaded.
"Okay I'll tell you...over lunch?" The boy asked a little more shyly.
Was he asking me out? I mean the boy was attractive especially from other boys I've seen in the arcade.
"Are you asking me on a date?" I asked.
"Maybe...." He said.
"Why?" Merida you're so stupid.
"I don't know you're funny, pretty, and plus you're the only person who has ever been that close to beating me at that game." He chuckled.
"Alright. That sounds okay. I'm Merida." I said.
"Hiccup." He said.
We walked over to the subway talking about video games that we also like to play. He's played Halo. Hmmm well I know what game we're playing after lunch.
Authors note: yay for awkward teenage video game moments!!! Haha hoped you all liked this little Drabble! My new Merricup story will be updated tomorrow......hopefully :)