Thanks to Niallhoranlovesme943 for the request!!!
Being a high school senior was pretty much a joke. Literally all you do is go to the five classes you have and apply to colleges and wait for them to answer while having an after school job. Senior year was the year where the only thing kids had to worry about was getting accepted to their colleges and who to ask to senior prom.
Now senior prom was about two weeks away at Burgess High and high school seniors Henry Haddock and Jackson Overland still didn't have dates yet. Hiccup hadn't wanted to go at all ever since he broke up with Astrid in the beginning of the year.
Though Jack wasn't very discouraged though even when he found out his crush head cheerleader Rapunzel was already going with Flynn Rider.
"Jack can't we just not go to prom?" Hiccup asked while sitting for lunch.
"Hell no! Prom is what a senior looks forward to the whole year besides graduating. We have to go! Plus we told our group we're going." Jack said.
"Yeah but our whole group already have dates! I mean Aster's going with Thiana, Anna's going with Kristoff, and Norman's going with Coraline. Face it if we go people think we're each other's date." Hiccup replied.
"Hey I would be the best date." Jack retorted. "But still you're right. We still have time to find dates."
"oh really like who?" Hiccup asked.
"We could ask......Anna's sister and her friend..........oh what's her name."
"Merida Dunbroch." Hiccup said
"Yeah! Why not them?"
" You want to ask the Ice Queen and the Fire prom. Good luck with that." Hiccup said.
"Hey they're good looking ladies......they just have to be persuaded."
"No one has ever dared to even sit at the same table as them." Hiccup whispered. "Legend says you'll either freeze in place or explode. Listen I know one's Anna sister and we go over to her house all the time but have you noticed how we almost never see Elsa there?"
"Oh come on that's a bunch of crap they just need a friendly hello is all." Jack said getting up.
"Where are you going?"
"I think the proper question is where are we going?" Jack said dragging Hiccup.
"Jack no! No way I am not getting killed today." He said.
Jack was stronger than Hiccup though. He dragged the tall eighteen year old and sat him right at the girl's forbidden table. Jack sat next to Hiccup. Everyone's eyes were on them. It was true no one ever sat at the same table as the Queens of Ice and Fire. Elsa earned her nickname because she was known for not conversing with anyone except Merida. She was polite but often left a feeling of coldness and apathy. Merida was the complete opposite. If you were bothering her she wouldn't hesitate to tell you to knock it off. She was the one who mostly stood up for Elsa, besides Anna.
"Hello Elsa and Merida. This is my friend Hiccup and I am Jack." Jack said.
"We know who you are," Merida said. "So what are you doing at our table?"
"Just trying to make conversation, Merida." Jack said.
Eyes in the cafeteria were still glued to the infamous table. People were shocked that they had survived this long. Still wondering what was going to happen next.
"Would you all just get back to your damn lunches there is nothing to see here." Merida shouted.
Everyone went back to their business all though most still made side glances to see how the situation would take place,