"No that's that's impossible." Merida said.
"It's true Miss Dunbroch you are about four weeks along. Congratulations you're going to be a mother.
The doctor left the office and Merida was left alone with her thoughts.
A baby? A mother? How was she going to raise a child while still finishing college. She was only 21! Her and Hiccup had been so careful with condoms and everything! How could this had happen? Well of course she knew how it happened but still....a baby?
How was Hiccup going to react? Would he be excited terrified both? Would he ditch her? No he would never do that. He would be there no matter what. She knew that! But that didn't make her any less scared.
Merida went home to her apartment whom she shared with her boyfriend Hiccup. He was working on his Architecture essay final. He would be out of school after this semester and going to work for his uncle's company.
"Hey Hiccup, how's the paper?"
"I'm almost done actually how was the doctor's did he prescribe you anything for that stomach flu."
"Uh no not exactly." She said.
"You're busy I'll tell you when you're done."
"No it's fine I need a break anyway now what did the doctor say?"
Hiccup put his laptop aside and motioned her to sit on the bed with him.
"Well the good news is it's not the flu." She said.
"Well that's good news!"
"Yeah and I got some other news." She said.
"Uh it turns out I'm ....pregnant." She said.
"You're you're.........but uh .....wow...uhm are you sure? Of course you're sure you went to the doctor! Pregnant?! You're gonna be a mom and I'm going to be a .....dad." Hiccup rambled and stammered in utter shock.
"I know it's a lot to take in Hiccup but you have to understand I'm just as nervous and scared as you are." She said tears brimming her eyes "and I understand if this is too hard for you but I'm going to keep the baby."
"Of course you are! Merida I'm not going to lie I am freaking terrified of being a father but hey we're in this together. Okay? I'm not going to leave you. We can work this out. At the end of the semester we'll be graduating I'll be working with Gobber and I'm sure our parents will be willing to help out." He said. Stroking her hair while she lied next to him.
"Really?" She asked.
"Really....we'll make this work and that baby is going to be the happiest baby you've ever seen." He said.
7 months later........
"Hiccup!" Merida called.
"What!? What is it? Is it time are you okay?" He asked.
"I need you to help me get up and go to the bathroom."
"Okay Mer let's get you up." He said.
Merida and Hiccup had graduated from college. Hiccup began working with Gobber at his company. He was working first as a paid intern but Gobbet assured him he would rise to the ranks in no time.
Merida had been shopping for baby things with her mother and planning her baby shower. Hiccup and Merida had moved in to their guest house until the baby came. once the baby came they were going to live with Astrid in her house since two of her roomate's were moving out soon.. They had found out they were going to be having a baby girl whom they decided to name Elizabeth Astrid Haddock.
"Hiccup! It's time." She said
"What okay let's get you to the hospital."
"No no I mean it's time to leave for the baby shower. I still have two months to go Hiccup." She said.
"Only one after tomorrow." He said.
"Well it feels like forever." She said.
"Come on cranky pants we have to go over to Astrid's."
Astrid was the one throwing the baby shower. Her and Elinor had fought over it but Astrid eventually won stating that Merida was like her sister and knew most of the people who she would want there. Elinor agreed that it would be hosted at Asrid's house and she would be in charge of invitations but Elinor got to do the rest.
Astrid had been an old friend to Hiccup for some time. She was the wanted third wheel in their group. She actually introduced Hiccup to Merida their first year in college. Merida and her had become best friends being co captains for soccer.
Merida and Hiccup pulled up to Astrid's house. She and three other people lived their during college. Merida and Hiccup became friends with Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut as well. They would be taking Ruffnut and Tuffnut's room since they were moving to an apartment near their work.
"Hey guys!!!" She said "The gang is all here!"
Merida and Hiccup walked in and saw all their friends each with gifts and food.
"Oh food thank god." Merida said.
"Okay everyone time for the gifts!" Astrid said.
Merida had opened all the gifts except one. They were all wonderful.
Tuff and Ruff gave them hot wheels.
Snot had given them a bike. They were thankful it wasn't a little motorcycle like he drove.
Baby clothes from Heather, a crib from Merida's mother. A changing station from Hiccup's father.
Lastly they had Astrid's gift.
"Go on go on." She said excitedly.
"I'm going as fast as I can Astrid.." Merida said.
She unwrapped the big box and laughed.
"Oh Astrid this awesome."
The box had a two little kids playing soccer with a goal and everything. Astrid had bought a kid's soccer goal that came with a ball and everything.
"Oh I knew you would love it!!"
"Thank you Astrid. I would give you a hug but I don't think I can get up." Merida laughed.
"I'll come over." She laughed and gave her best friend a hug.
One month later.....
"Okay Merida just breathe"
"I am breathing what the hell do you think I'm doing!"
"Okay sorry just keep going you're doing great."
"Hiccup it does not feel great."
"Okay Miss DunBroch one more push." The doctor said.
The next thing they heard was crying. A little baby girl with a full head of red hair.
"Oh she's beautiful Merida." He said.
"Can I see her?" Merida asked.
The doctor cleaned the baby up and put her in Merida's arms.
"Oh she's so cute and tiny." Merida said.
"Little Libby." He said.
Little Libby grew up with a very different household then most kids. She played soccer with her Aunt Astrid and played pranks with her Uncle Snot. She read with Nana Elinor and followed Grandpa Stoick everywhere he went and lived with her parents who gave her all the love a little girl could want.
Authors note: yay it's done hope you all liked it!! Keep requesting!!!and comment and vote!