"Oh come on you would not!" Anna laughed while putting another marshmallow on her stick.
The group( Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Eugene, Rapunzel, Jack, Merida, and Hiccup had all gone out on a camping trip to celebrate the last two weeks of summer. It was pitch black out except for the moon and their roaring campfire. The crickets called into the night while the teens ate marshmallows. Right now the gang was playing around of what would you do for a million dollars?
"I'm telling you there is no way you would run naked around the school!" she said to Jack
"I would for a million dollars." Jack replied.
"Oh really? Even if it was during lunch where everyone could see you?" Elsa asked.
"What about during an assembly?" Kristoff asked putting a blanket around him and Anna.
"Depends would I get suspended?" Jack asked "or expelled?"
"Who cares you have a million dollars you wouldn't need school." Merida said.
"Oh really are you saying you would do it then?" Jack asked his redheaded friend
"I'm not saying anything." Merida smiled.
"Okay so we got Jack running around naked. Can we play truth or dare now please!" Anna asked.
"Alright fine Punze. Truth or Dare?" Merida asked.
"I'm feeling courageous let's go for dare." Rapunzel said.
"Hmmm Okay this is a good one." Merida said. "I dare you to pee in the woods."
"Ewwwwwwwwwww" Rapunzel complained. "But that's so gross they're bugs out there Merida. You know I barely like using the RV's!"
"Hey you chose dare and I knew that one would work for you."
"Okay well how do I prove it?" She asked.
"Someone could go with you." Anna suggested.
"Here since I dared you I'll go, come on Punze let's go." Merida said.
"Ugh I should've picked truth" Rapunzel said grabbing a flashlight and walking with Merida down the path.
"Have fun babe." Eugene joked
"Oh shut up." She yelled back
"So Hiccup are you finally going to make the move?" Eugene asked.
Hiccup looked confused "What move?"
"Exactly" Kristoff said.
"I'm talking about you and Merida." Eugene said
"Oh I don't know..." Hiccup said shyly
"Well you better do it soon school is starting and senior year goes fast bro. Your time is ticking." Jack said
"Jack don't pressure him. She's not a time bomb." Elsa said.
Jack put his hands up in defense and gestured towards Hiccup "I'm not I'm just trying to help my friend out."
"Jack is right Hiccup we all know you like each other. Might as well!" Anna said
"I don't know guys it's Merida....I just don't want to mess up anything." Hiccup said
"Yeah well if you don't do some messing soon then you're going to graduate, go to college, grow up come back for a reunion and realized shit I should've asked her out." Eugene commented.
"Shhh they are coming back no one talk about this." Hiccup said.
The two girls came back to the campsite one completely horrified the other smugly smiling.
"It was so gross." Rapunzel complained.
"OH don't be such a baby you were fine!" Merida commented.
"Okay may I be next to start the dare." Anna asked.
"Go for it" Rapunzel said "Just don't ask me I'm still recovering."
Anna looked around and saw Merida nudging Hiccup slightly. Anna smiled. "Hiccup Truth o or Dare?"
Hiccup thought about this for a minute. If he picked dare Anna would most likely dare him to ask Merida out or kiss her. He couldn't quite think of a truth though she would ask. He really should've played this game more in middle school. He hadn't played since sixth grade when Jack dared him to jump off his bunk bed which he did, which got him sent to the hospital for a sprained ankle. Better go with truth just to be safe.
"I pick Truth," Hiccup said.
"Alright who do you like?"
"I don't know you guys are alright."
"No Hiccup like who do you have a crush on? Or who would you date?" Anna smiled wickedly.
That's what it was Hiccup remembered. They should really just call this game do something stupid or tell us who you would date. Now he was trapped. If he said Merida then Merida would know that he liked her. But if he said no one or someone else then Merida would think he doesn't like her like that. Their earlier conversation entered his mind and he decided to go for it.
"Merida." he said quickly
"What was that? You went to fast." Jack said, Elsa giving him a push.
"I said Merida. I would date Merida." Hiccup said.
Merida grinned "Well it's about time." Merida said.
"What?" Hiccup asked.
"We told you Hiccup everyone knew including Merida, we just wanted to see if you would make a move and you finally...........well sort of did." Anna said
"You knew?" Hiccup asked
"Why did you think I asked for Truth or Dare? It was either that or seven minutes in heaven but I thought this might be a little easier and less embarrassing."
Hiccup laughed "Thank you for not doing that."
"Well what are you waiting for?! Kiss her!" Eugene said
"Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" The group chanted.
"I don't mind if you don't." Merida said.
Hiccup leaned over and kissed Merida lips. The group roared with cheer and encouragement glad their two friends had finally gotten together.
"Oh great now they're going to be all cutesy and gross." Jack said
"Oh like you two weren't disgusting when you two first got together." Merida said breaking away from the kiss.
"Hey we were decent." Elsa said defensively.
"Okay I guess decent is when you two snuck off during P.E. and............." Anna's sentence was cut short due to Elsa covering her mouth.
"You told your sister!" Jack yelled.
"Of course we tell each other everything." Anna said her mouth still muffled by Elsa's hand.
"I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what you did in P.E. sophomore year." Kristoff chuckled,
"You told Kristoff!" Elsa huffed at her sister letting her mouth go.
"Sorry? He was curious."
"Does everyone know?" Elsa asked.
"No but now I'm kind of curious." Eugene said.
The group laughed at the flustered Jack and Elsa. They went back to telling tales and eating marshmallows while Hiccup and Merida were seen stealing kisses and hand holding by the campfire.
Authors note: Okay, so school has definitely kept me busy but guess what? I joined a creative writing class! All we're doing right now is poems but it is literally my favorite class! I hope to get some more requests done by this weekend but they may not come till late or really early in the morning because I'm going to a party tomorrow and then I have rehearsal all day for musical on Sunday but they shall be done! Please comment and vote and request!