Modern AU
Scene setting: Merida and Hiccup are in college and meet.
Merida was talking to her best friend Rapunzel.
"Oh come on Mer please try out with me!" Rapunzel begged.
"There is no way I'm trying out for the college's cheerleading squad." Merida replied.
"Ugh you're impossible, well I have to go I have to go become a cheerleader."
"Okay I know what to tell the cops if you don't come back, yes officer she was most likely converted to a cult of flexible zombies." Merida smirked.
"Oh shut up. I'll see you later!"
Rapunzel said walking towards the field.
Merida waved and rolled her eyes at her perky blonde friend.
"You'll never see me trying out for cheerleading." She muttered to herself.
She turned around only to be ran into by a tall boy caring tons of books.
"Watch where you're going," she started to say but was caught off by the the young man apologizing.
"I'm so sorry I should've been watching where I was going... Are you let me help you with your books." He said.
They both bent down and accidentally konked each other in the head.
"Ow!" They both said.
"God I think you're as clumsy as I am." The boy chuckled. Cleaning up the papers. "So you're taking psychology I see."
"Yeah I want to be a physical therapist you know for like athletic injuries and stuff. And I see you are takin ooh architecture. That sounds interesting."
"Yeah I'm really into building and tinkering."
"You're better at tinkering than you are walking right." She joked.
"Oh yeah... Well I'm alright I guess although I wouldn't say I'm the best at it.... Tinkering not walking......of course I'm worse at walking...." The boy started to ramble.
"You're a funny lad aren't ya? Hey maybe you could show me some you're blueprints or ideas." She said.
"Yeah that be cool." The boy smiled
"I'm Merida by the way." She held her hand out.
"Hiccup." He said while shaking her hand which caused his books to fall again.
"I think you're wrong Hiccup, you're definitely the more clumsy one."
"Well I have to get to my next class, but I'll see you around?" She asked.
"Yeah...that be great." He said picking up his books.
"Oh wait!" Merida took out a piece of paper and scribbled down her number and gave it to Hiccup.
"Bye!" She ran off to her next class.
Hiccup looked at the note and chuckled as he read her number and the little message she put
I don't know why but I like you so don't mess it up :)
Hiccup didn't know what hit him, but he was sure happy of what he ran into.
Authors note: yay first little short story!! Hoped you guys liked it you can inbox me if you guys have any ideas for more AU's or plots so yeah go ahead inbox me haha I'll try my best!