Home Again.

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May 24, 2024

Today, Zac flew to New York for his parents anniversary party. They were are now 40 years married and are so in love. His brother Zion picked him and his girlfriend of about 8 months, Mia, up from the airport.

It's been a minute since he'd been home, 4 years to be exact. he'd say it just felt like it wasn't home after a while. He still kept in contact with his folks but coming home was something he avoided. Although for his parents anniversary, he made it work. Just as long as he didn't run into his past, he'll be good.

"so Zac my bro, how's life in atlanta?" Zion asked him as they made their way to their childhood home. Zac was in the passenger seat while Mia was in the back on her phone

"atlanta is real cool, it's definitely the place to be"

"nah you a new york nigga you need to come back home"

"nah, this ain't home for me anymore" Zac says looking out of the window.

"mm is that so?" Zion said looking at him

"what bro?" Zac asked trying to figure out what he was insinuating

"is not home for you or is it because of what happened with F-a-t-"

Zac shot him a look, "shut up bro don't even" Zac says looking back out of the window. "that's in the past now, i don't even want to think about that"

"alright, we don't have to talk about it"


They make it to their parents home and they went in a greeted their parents. they knew Mia from facetime so it wasn't a really first time meeting kind of thing. Zac put their bags in his old room and came back downstairs joining everyone in the common area. His parents were bombarding him with questions like they don't talk literally everyday. They even asked some questions about him and Mia, which is strange because his mom doesn't like nobody and she was being too nice.

Since they got in late, it was pretty late by the time they got settled in the house. They said their good nights to Zac's parents, Zion left, and Zac and Mia went upstairs to his room. They were staying for a few days just to have some family time also for Mia to meet the rest of the family. Upstairs Zac had just got out of the shower since Mia wanted to take a shower first. She was in the bed on her phone but Zac wanted some attention. With his bottom half wrapped in his towel, he went up to her and took her phone out of her hand, beginning to kiss her neck.

"Zac what are you doing?" she asked not really into it

"i want some love baby"

"Zachary, we are literally at your parents house"


"i'm not having sex in your parents house. go to bed"


"i'm serious Zac move" she said pushing him out of the way

Zac smacked my lips and just went to put his boxers on getting in the bed next to her. She'd been turning him down a lot lately and he has some pressure built up. Once he got in, she turned her back to him so he just did the same and went to sleep.

The next morning, Zac woke up at 6am to get a run in. When he got back, Mia was gone in one of Zac cars he had his parents keep, so he took a shower and went downstairs where his mom was making breakfast. No matter what, Myra gone cook, and she gone throw down.

"good morning ma" Zac says sitting at the counter

"good morning son, how'd you sleep?"

"pretty good, it feels good to be home"

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