Get It Together.

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After hearing the last thing Fatima said, Zac chose to ignore it. He didn't know what to say after that.

"so what else you need me to do?" Zac asked

"can you put the garlic bread in the oven?"

"yea i got you"


He put the bread in the oven and turned it on, "this reminds me of our college days when we would cook together all the time"

"yea it does. sometimes i miss those days. remember when we almost burnt the complex down making those pizzas?"

"hell yea cause i couldn't keep my hands off of you" he sat on the counter next to the sink

"exactly, you always had us burning shit up"

"i'm innocent"

"far from it"

After the food was done, they sat together at the table and talked as they ate. After eating, Zac cleaned the kitchen and everything else while Fatima was showering. As he was finishing up she came out of her room.

"i'm about to head out, you need anything?" Zac asked throwing away a paper towel.

"nope i'm good, thank you for keeping me company" She said going in for a hug

"no problem" Zac told her trying not to focus on how good she smells. They pulled away, Zac grabbed all of his things and Fatima walked him to the door.

"you two better let mommy sleep tonight" Zac said rubbing her stomach.

"i think they're sleep, i know once i lay down they'll be up and moving around"

"of course they will. i love you dadas sweet peas."

"get home safe, let me know when you make it"

"i will. Love you"

"I love you too"

"go inside its cold as hell and you got your stomach out"

"i will when you get in the car. go bye, now" She pushed him out of the door

"damn, i been put out of better places than this" He looked around

She laughed, "nigga shut up, go home"

"you don't want me to stay?"

"no, i don't actually"


"because i don't, bye"

"alright, call me if you need anything"

"will do" Zac went to his car, got in, and drove home.

The next day Fatima woke up to some arms wrapped around her. At first she was terrified, that was until she realized it was Zac.

"Zac, get up" She said shaking him

"what?" he asked waking up

"get up, what are you doing here?"

"you forgot you called me over here at like 3am"

"no i don't"

"well you did"

"i gotta get up for work move"

"no, im comfortable" he pulled her closer to him

"i can tell, your thing is hard and it's sitting on my ass"

"my bad" He scooted away from her a grabbed his junk.

She got up out of the bed, "mhm, you staying here or no?"

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