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"Hey baby" Julian kissed Fatima. Zac watched, baffled.

"i thought you weren't coming back until Tuesday"

"nope, im here now. hey everybody"

"mhm. hey" They all mumbled except Zac who was still confused

Julian turned to Zac, "oh i don't believe we've met, who are you?"

"i'm Zac" Zac responded finally taking his eyes of Fatima and looking up at Julian

"nice to meet you bro. I'm Julian, Fatima's husband"

Zac looked at Fatima, "husband? wow congratulations" Zac put on his best smile. He couldn't believe Fatima lied to him. He knew her explanation was gonna be some bullshit so he wasn't going to bother. He planned on ignoring the two the whole time he was there and going about his life afterwards.

"preciate it my guy"

"i wish i could just drop dead for a lil while right about now" Tommy said

"Thomas shut up, come on yall let's eat" Madea said and she pulled Zac to the side.

"you good?" she asked

"yea i'm straight"

"okay, just don't feed into his bullshit if he tries it"

"i won't. that lil nigga ain't got nothin on me"

"alright, i just want you to be calm"

"i'm calm, trust me"

They went back into the kitchen and sat at the table. They all filled their plates with food and there was an awkward silence.

"so Zac, is it? how come i haven't met you before? you haven't been around" Julian said

"well i been around, here and there"

"oh okay, and you're their cousin i'm assuming?"

"nah, i'm Tommy's homeboy"

"how's the food everyone?" Madea asked

"Dude you ain't have to interrupt them, i want to hear this" Joe said

"Joe shut up"

"it's good grandma" Fatima said

"Julian, what do you do?" Zac asked

"i'm a real estate agent"

"big money, i see"

"at times"

"oh? how so?"

"the market is in shambles right now"

Fatima cleared her throat, "So um-

"hush up Nicole" Joe said

"How long have you two been married?" Zac asked

"almost 2 years. and it has been amazing ain't that right baby?"

"that's right honey" Julian kissed her and everyone faced turned up

"actually Zac, you look very familiar"

"Ju, not now" Fatima whispered

"no, he looks familiar babe."

"can't be me, probably my brother. people say we look alike"

"hm maybe"

As the day went, Everyone could feel the tension which was the result of a few awkward moments. Zac couldn't stand to look at Fatima the entire time. Fatima on the other hand, tried to catch Zac's eyes but she soon realized he wasn't going for it. Eventually, Zac got tired of putting on a front so he left. Soon after Fatima and Julian left as well.

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