We Cant Be Friends.

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Present Day

"you should've told me you were drugged Zac"

"how? how was i gonna tell you after you slept with Josh? the damage was already done"

"i don't kno-

"no. you wouldn't have listened to me. and why did you think i'd really do that after we had an agreement. and you knew how i felt about you."

"i know Zac i know"

"and i don't understand why you felt like you couldn't tell me"

"because you would've talked me out of it."

"no i wouldn't have. i would've supported your decision. yes i would rather you kept it but it's your body"

"Zac, back then you would have. i know it, that's why i didn't want to tell you"

"i still think thats fucked up."

"so? it's in the past"

"whatever bro im over it. i'm about to go" he stood up

she pulled him back down, "no stay. i'm sorry i didn't tell you. i shouldn't told you"

"it's the past now right? i gotta go"


"what Fatima!"

"why are you being so cold towards me like we didn't just fuck"

"exactly all we did was just fuck, that was it. you said you wanted to talk, we did. what more do you want from me?"

"i just want my friend back"

"Fatima i can't be your friend"

"why? you were before"

"because i cant, being your friend is not an option. When we crossed that line, we were no longer friends. The only two options are we be together, which i know you don't want, Or nothing at all. So the only option is nothing at all. i'm going back to Atlanta tomorrow anyway so we can just go back to how things were before i came home"

"Fine whatever you want" she rolled her eyes and looked away from him

Zac grabbed her chin and brought her eyes back to him, "i'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me about the baby. maybe one day we can be friends again. until then, we need no contact. i'm leaving."

"can i have a hug? please?"

Zac sighs and they both stood up hugging each other. Zac whispered something in her ear and they went back upstairs to the living room where Zion and Angel were.

"i was finna come there yall was taking too long i thought yall was fucking" Zion said

"nigga let it go" Zac said

"don't be mad cause yall two need a babysitter"

"bro im not doing this with you, im about to go"

Fatima put her hand on Zac's shoulder, "no, you stay and spend time with your brother. imma go"

"okay sweetness, i'll call you tomorrow. tell J i said hello"

"will do" She hugged Angel

"friendly ass, be safe Tima" Zion said hugging her

"i'll walk you out" Zac offered

"why? we live in a gated community and her car is 10 feet from the door" Zion stated

"it's the polite thing to do"

"you aren't polite"

"nigga shut the fuck up, come on Ti" Zac and Fatima walked outside to her car. She unlocked the car and he opened her door.

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