Untold Secrets.

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"Yo, I need a favor." Zac said into the phone as he got into his truck. "I'm about to send you a location and I need you to come clean this shit up. It's two bodies...alright preciate you my boy. Be on standby because there might be another one in about thirty minutes, later." He disconnected the call and made his way home.


"Shit," She whispered holding her shoulder where blood was flowing out. She slowly crawled to the other side of the bed to see David with a gun shot would in the side of his head and the now bloodstained carpet. "This house is too fucking new for someone to die in it...shit my babies."

She slowly stood up and went into the bathroom. She held her stomach in the mirror, "Mama is sorry," She said as tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked at her shoulder and noticed the bullet only grazed her arm but it was still pretty close, luckily she moved in time.

She grabbed a towel from the holder on the door and wrapped it around her arm. She then went out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom, down the hall into the girls bedroom. They were both crying. Fatima tried to pick Kamryn up but her arm was in pain so she started singing to them. It took about a good three minutes for them to calm down and go back to sleep.

She went back into the bedroom and grabbed her phone from her nightstand and called Zac. When he didn't answer the first two times, she called him again and he finally answered.

"What Fatima?" He said sounding irritated. "I don't give a fuck about your attitude right now but we have bigger problems than whatever you're mad about." She told him.

"What is it?"

"David tried attempted a murder suicide. I woke up and he was in the bed with me, next thing I know he pointed the gun at me and pulled the trigger. It only grazed my shoulder but the nigga shot himself in his head and is dead on our bedroom floor."

"The fuck? He shot at you?"

"Yes, we need to get the cleaners here."

"No, call the police. There's too many bodies dropping around us. That nigga better be lucky he already dead cause the mood i'm in, he would've been."

She took a mental note to ask him about what bodies were dropping. "This nigga crazy as fuck. Zac, I woke up and he was in the bed with me. Do you know how insane you have to be to get in someone bed that they share with their husband?"

"Mhm, we'll talk about all that shit. Are my daughters okay?"

"They're fine, they were crying when the gun went off but I put them back to sleep."

"Okay, i'm almost there. Call the police."

"Okay." They mutually hung up the phone and Fatima called the police. They got to the house within eight minutes which was the same time Zac got there. Fatima gave the police officers a detailed story while the officers let Zac in the house with the girls after the coroner confirmed David was dead and bagged him up.

After the police left and the paramedics stitched Fatima's arm and her some antibiotics and pain medicine, they packed a few bags and went to the family rental property.

Still, the family was blowing up their phones but right now they needed to have a conversation with each other before answering anyone else. Zac sent a text to the group chat and told everyone they were fine and that they'd talk to them soon. They all thumbs up the message, glad they got some type of response after it being a few hours.

Zac and Fatima settled the girls in with snacks and cartoons while they talked about the day from hell on the couch.

"What's first?" Zac asked. "Can we talk about your shitty ass attitude and why you said too many bodies are dropping?" Fatima asked.

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