I Care.

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Saturday, 6:13pm
Wilson Residence.

Fatima opened the door for Zac and he walked in with both girls in his arms. Fatima grabbed Kamryn and they put the girls in the bedroom so Fatima could start getting them ready for bed. Zac began to walk out but Fatima stopped him.

"Zac?" She said staring at the back of his head before he turned around, "Yea?" He responded sounding hoarse.

"I'm pregnant" She said letting the tears fall from her eyes. She was emotional, hormonal, horny, everything. All of the things Zac knew how to fix and she desperately wanted him to.

When he didn't respond she followed with, "I have an appointment on monday to confirm. 10am, if you care"

"I'll be there" He said disregarding her vaguely implying he didn't care. He was excited for another child even under these circumstances. He didn't mean to act so nonchalantly, but he simply had zero energy and it was written all over his face. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yea." She responded looking away from him.

"Good. I'm happy, I promise"

"Okay" She wiped her tears and Zac walked out. She wasn't okay and he knew that. He wanted to hug her, kiss her, pick her up and shout from the top of his lungs but they weren't on those terms.

She wanted nothing more than to touch him, to feel him, kiss him, all of the things she wanted to do to her man. But he was no longer her man and it stung. In her eyes, he lied to her after they promised they'd be honest with each other.

Zac got in his car and cried in the driveway for a good half hour before going back to his uncomfortable ass apartment. It didn't feel like home without his girls, all three of them. He poured himself a drink and like any other day, he'd drink until he fell asleep.

Fatima didn't have to do too much to get the girls ready for bed since Zac bathed them. She fed them both a warm bottle and they were knocked out soon after. She then did her routine and put on one of Zac's hoodies, getting in the bed, and she struggled with going to sleep because the hoodie didn't smell like him anymore. Eventually she cried herself to sleep.

The next day, Zac's apartment.

Zac woke up to banging on his door. The building was heavily secured and no one knew where he lived so he was confused. He slowly dragged himself out of his air mattress and answered the door. It was Riya.

"Pooh what are you doing here?" Zac said. "Ew, you look disgusting" Riya said as they walked in.

"The fuck is this?" She said looking at the mattress and single blanket. "This shit looks sad as hell"

"Did you come to criticize my spot? Cause if so you can leave" He picked up the bottle of hennessy that was next to his mattress and taking a sip. He wasn't going to ask how she found him because everyone knew Riya can find any and every thing.

"This what you do all day? Sleep and drink?" She asked and he struggled his shoulders, not caring. "Mkay, let me get some. Where are the cups?"

"Ion have none, here" He gave her the bottle and she took a sip.

"What's been up brother cuz? You been missing in action"

"Ain't been doing shit but working and taking care of my kids"

"You know you ain't gotta put up this front with me. You aren't okay bro i can see it. You in here drinking yourself to death and you got two daughters bro. Hell you even have Fatima, they need you."

"Ion have Fatima no more." He dropped his head.

"Yes you do. Just because yall are going through some shit right now doesn't mean yall are done forever. You need to get your shit together and talk to her"

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