Brown Sugar.

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*This chapter somehow got deleted so this is a reupload.

Saturday, August 8th

"Everything is going to shit. She isn't feeling well and her dress hasn't been delivered. Is this a sign that i shouldn't marry her?" Zac ranted on the phone with his parents. He was pacing the floor in his mancave.

"HELL NO!" Eric and Myra yelled. "Prince, you have been talking about marrying this girl since before i could remember. Just go to the mall and get her another dress, I'll come over and give her my tea and she'll feel better by tonight." Myra told him.

"Ma, that's not gonna work! I'm not doing it, everything has been going downhill, i'm stressed the hell out"

"Zachary fucking relax." Eric said.

"I'll call you back, Kam is crying" He hung up and went downstairs. "What's wrong?" Zac asked approaching the girls who were in their play pen. Fatima was asleep in their room. He picked her up, "Babygirl, dada needs you to relax so you don't wake your mommy up. Lords knows i can't take her attitude right now"

He began rocking her, "Lord, give me a sign that I should marry Fatima" A few seconds later his phone dinged.

Hey Zac, Laila is improving.
Just updating you

"Terrible sign OG, please literally anything else" He put Kamryn back down and sat on the couch. Fatima then came out of their room and straddled him laying her head on his shoulder facing his neck.

"What's up baby" He kissed her forehead. "You feeling better?"

"Mhm, I had a weird dream" She said softly. "What was it about MLK" He asked rubbing her back with one hand and squeezing her ass with the other.

"Hilarious. It was like the girls were older and we had a son. We were sitting on the porch of a house in the country watching them run around the yard. It seemed so real" She explained and Zac smiled.

"Looks like we have a promising future ahead of us"

"Yea, I can't wait to watch our kids grow up"

"I can"

She tapped the back of his head, "Shut up."

"Question. Would you be up for a date later tonight?"

"Yea babe, I feel a lot better"

"Cool, ma said she was gonna bring her tea by cause i told her you were under the weather."

"I love her tea. I also forgot to tell you grandma said she wanted to come get the girls, i told her it was fine"

"Of course. Maybe we can work on Zachary junior"

"Boy shut up, who having three kids under two? Definitely not us"

"I'm playing relax"

"Yea okay, slow your roll playa" She kissed his behind his ear.

"Mm, can i taste it?" He asked growing hard beneath her.

"No, the girls are awake"

"They chilling. I just want to taste it and I know you want me to as well"

"No babe"

"Fine, but that ass is mine tonight"

"I'm looking forward to it" She placed a kiss on his lips. "Did i tell you I love you today?"

"I don't think so"

She leaned in to his ear. "I love you papi" She whispered. The heat made Zac's dick jump. "Oh i'm definitely all over that ass, you ain't plying fair. I love you too"

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