Love Never Fails.

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Wednesday, November 13

"Son are you okay?" Myra asked as Zac sat down at the table. "I'm good ma, how are you?"

"Boy take them damn shades off i'm not playing with you" She said sternly and Zac took them off revealing major eyebags. He was definitely looking like what he is going through.

"Zac, what the hell? You look like shit, what happened?"

"I haven't slept in almost three days, but i'm good."

"Drink some water" She said pushing the glass of water to him. "Zac you're killing yourself. Pooh told me you've been drinking and she's worried."

"I'm okay ma, relax"

"No you aren't. As much shit you gave your father about his past, you're doing the same thing Zac! You're turning into the same man you criticized"

"Ma I-"

"No fucking listen. All you do is talk, listen. You need to get your shit together, and get it together fast. They way you're going, them two little girls are going to grow up without a father and they need you. Fatima should not be stressing herself because she's worried that she's going to have to raise them kids by herself. For the love of them two beautiful children, you're going to get yourself together because this nonsense has gone too far. Now answer this, do you love Fatima?"

"Yes, I'll always love her"

"Okay, and you know you were wrong in this situation right?"

"I was just-

"No. You were wrong, how would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? Huh?"

Zac paused, "Betrayed, hurt, angry"

"So how do you think she feels?"

He dropped his head, "Betrayed, hurt, and angry"

"Look at me" She reached across the table and raised his head up, "Exactly. You were wrong, admit it"

"I know I was wrong, but she still-"

"Bring the fucking ring up one more time and i'm fucking you up. You knew you were wrong and you still took your frustrations out on everybody else. You expect somebody to feel sorry for you because that's what you're used to, but this time you the one that fucked up! You took your frustrations out on everybody else. What you need to do is look in the mirror and start with yourself. Apologize to your fiance, your brother, and father. I'll be damned if this family breaks apart because of your stupid ass actions."

"I hear you"

"Did you? Because if I don't hear from your father, brother, or fiance saying you apologized, I have no problem sicking Riya on you"

"I got you, I promise"

"Good. If you ever talk to your father like that, i'm not stopping him from beating your ass again. I forgave him a long time ago and you should too."

"I know, I did too but my emotions got the best of me"

"I understand that, and you need to work on saying things out of anger"

"I did, but now it feels like i'm back to who I was before"

"Maybe you should go back to therapy."

"I will, thanks ma"

They talk as they have their lunch and Zac left feeling a little lighter. He planned on trying to talk to Fatima when he picked the girls up.


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