Knockin Da Boots.

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A hour and 20 minutes later, Zac's parents and Zion were in the waiting area with Fatima awaiting an update. No one had been out to see them since they took him into a trauma room.

"where the fuck is the doctor?" Fatima asked bouncing her leg.

"Sis, you have to calm down" Zion told her rubbing her back.

She snapped her neck in Zions direction, "calm down? he could be dead and you're telling me to calm down"

"babygirl we can't think like that. and you need to calm down, you have those babies in your stomach to think about." Myra told her.

"Hes strong babygirl, he's going to be fine" Eric said.

10 minutes later

"Zachary Taylor's Family" A black doctor said grabbing a clipboard from the nurses station. They all stood up and greeted him, "Hi i'm Doctor Thomas. Zachary is going to be fine. The stabbing didn't do too much damage but we did have to remove his appendix. I want to observe him through the night and he should be okay to go home tomorrow evening."

"Thank you doc, can we go see him?" Myra asked

"Yes you can, he should be waking up soon, but only two at a time. He's in 304" He walked away.

"ladies yall go ahead" Eric said, Fatima and Myra nodded and went to Zac's room where he was just waking up. The nurse checked him out and left shortly after. Fatima went to his right side while Myra went to his left.

"how you feeling?" Myra asked

"i'm good, a little sore" Zac responded

"what happened?"

"I was about to get in the car when somebody came and stabbed me, they called me a bitch ass nigga and ran off"

"do you know who could've possibly done this? do you have any enemies?"

"no ma, i didnt do shit to nobody"

"who would- i mean clearly they weren't trying to rob you cause they could've took your car and everything. i'm not understanding"

"I don't understand either, but imma find the muthafucker"


"pops, can you go get him? i need his brains, i can't think right now"

"okay" Myra left out of the room.

Zac looked over to Fatima who was fidgeting with her hand, hanging her head down. "Ti, you're quiet, what's wrong" She stayed quiet, "Nicole look at me" She shook her head no, Zac lifted her chin making her look at him, "why are you crying?" he asked grabbing her hand

"i thought you were dead"

"you can be so dramatic you know what?"

"Zac i'm serious, i don't want to lose you"

"two lil stabs ain't gon take me out, stop worrying about me, worry about why eggs don't taste like chicken."

"i'm pregnant, with your children, you got stabbed, and you're telling me not to worry? the next person to stab you will be me"

"you on ten, can we go down to a three?"

"you're about to piss me off. you got me out of my house in the middle of the night, i'm supposed to be in my bed, but you wanna get stabbed"

"Ti calm down, you're working my babies nerves"

"nigga shut up" She flipped him off and Eric came in. Fatima left out and Zion came in as well.

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