Cleared Up.

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"You should reschedule, i'm pregnant and I don't feel like going." Fatima told Zac as the family of four lie in the bedroom.

"I got you. You want me to rub ya feet? Give you space? Cuddle? Tell me what you need."

"I want a patty melt and a milkshake. Also, those strawberry popsicles, it's hot outside. When I finish eating we can take the girls on a walk so I don't gain any weight."

Zac's stomach turned at the thought of all of the grease and milk mixed together. He also thought about how even with her being pregnant, she's bound to gain weight but he wasn't going to get cussed out. "Okay mama, I got you."

"Thank you papi, you're so sweet."

"You're welcome. Do I- Nevermind."

"Yea don't ask and maybe you'll get some." She said with a smile.

"I might not want any with this burger and milkshake you're about to consume. Yo ass about to be farting all night, them shits be lethal."

"Oh now you have a problem when she farts?"

"You know damn well I don't, I was talking about the bottom smart ass."

She flipped the bird, "Go away, your pregnant wife is hungry."

He got up grabbing his wallet and keys, "Okay, i'll be back. Them two better be out of my bed by the time I get back too."

"Tell daddy to shut up."

"Shut up daddy." Kennedi told him.

"Seriously Fatima?"

"That's mean," Kamryn said.

"Exactly, mommy and sissy are mean."

"Zac please go get my food before I cuss you out."

"Yes ma'am." Zac left the house and went to a local spot to get Fatima's burger and milkshake. While he was waiting, he called all of their people just to have a quick chat.

"What's up yall?" Zac said once everyone was on the call. They all gave him a dry hello. "First of all, i'm calling to let yall know that we aren't meeting up. My baby doesn't feel like it. Also, I feel like we don't owe yall and explanation because one, it's our business. Two, it seems like everyone believe a girl that has always been jealous of what my wife and I had."

"We don't believe her, we're wondering if what she said was true." Zion pointed out.

"To me, that's believing her."

"Well all we want to know is if it happened. Is that too much to ask for?" Riya said.

"Yes. No it didn't happen, and it's fucked up that you two are coming at me like this of all people."

"Son, we just-" Myra started.

"Nah, even if it did happen, it's none of your fuckin business. It's in the past yo."

"Zachary, I told you about being disrespectful." Eric checked.

"I'm sorry but the shit didn't happen."

"So what's the real reason the two of you fell out? To me, that seems like a valid fucking reason." Rita asked.

"FUCK, Riya just leave it the fuck alone. Shit happens, all you need to know is that it was my fault, I fucked up."

"You always fucking up."

"Yea okay. Leave my lady out of it. We live and we learn, we're better now than we've been before. That's all anybody should be concerned about. I'll talk to yall later, I gotta get this pregnant lady her food."

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