I Used To Love H.E.R.

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2 Months Later
November 14th

Today is the day of the the gender reveal. Angel planned the entire party with some help from Myra. Zac and Fatima didn't lift a finger when it came to the party. Fatima told Angel the vision and Angel made it her mission to make it come to life. They were having the reveal at Zac's parents house since their house was the biggest.

It's currently 12:30pm and the reveal starts at 2pm. Angel had been up since 9am setting everything up making sure it was good.

Zac's House.

"get the fuck away from me bro" Zac said. He had just pulled up to his house and got out of his car.

"no Zac, just let me explain" Karla said grabbing his arm.

He snatched his arm away from her, "what the fuck is there to explain? i know what i saw, i ain't stupid!"

"please Zac just calm down" She begged

"no fuck that! i'm tired of you bitches playing on my top when i do nothing but be genuine. you a fucking hypocrite, talking bout all this honesty and shit when you wasn't honest from the jump." he took a breath, "please leave my property before i have to call the police. and lose my fuckin number"

"Zac i'm so-"

"Save your fuckin sorry. LEAVE! ion know why you still standing there. and don't bother showing up today!" He watched her get into her car and drive away then he went into his house.

35 Minutes Prior.

Zac went over to Karla's house to pick up his wallet that he had left over there. When he got there, he saw another car in the driveway, but didn't think anything of it. He knocked on the door for a moment but it wasn't answered. He tried the knob and it was unlocked to he went in. He assumed she was asleep so he was just going to get his wallet and leave.

He looked on the coffee table and there was his wallet. He picked it up and finally noticed the moaning coming from the bedroom. Originally he was just going to go in and finish whatever she was doing until he heard a man's voice. Everything in him became hot so he busted through the door.

"Wow Karla really?!" Zac said

"yo what the fuck?" the man said, "get the fuck out of my house" He said. Zac shook his head laughing and walked out of the house.

"shit! Zac wait" Karla said getting up and putting on her robe, following Zac outside. "Zac!"

"fuck you! you ain't gotta worry about me no more" He said struggling to open his car door

"yo who the fuck is you!" the man asked coming outside

"nobody" Zac responded

"you gotta be somebody to be and me and my wife's crib"

"wife? wow" he laughed, "trust me your wife is a good woman. you ain't gotta worry about me at all bruh trust" Zac got in his car and sped off.

Karla went in the house and got her keys getting into her car.

"where the fuck you going?"

"not now Rich" She started her car and sped off following Zac.

Present Hour

After going into his house Zac took a moment to breathe. He used the breathing technique his therapist taught him to calm himself down. He went to his bathroom and got into the shower. about 20 minutes later he got out and got dressed. He wore a blue short sleeve button down, light washed blue jeans and his white and blue jordan 4's. He put on all his silver jewelry and sprayed himself down with cologne before grabbing his wallet and keys and making his way over to Fatima's house.

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